you got a name, cop? sure, anything you want. you here to write my life story? henry wong. my old pal. he's looked better. look, i got just six months before gettin' out of here. six months between me and freedom after bein' here three years. and i'm not gonna do anything to screw it up, includin' pee in the prison yard, knock up the warden's daughter or rat on my old partners. ganz? ganz the one who shot henry? cates, i asked you a question. ganz is in jail. he's gonna be there two years after i'm on the street. cates, come back here. i can deliver ganz. but you gotta get me outta here first. i can help you, man, but you gotta get me out. i got to be on the street. get me outta here. i got a lot to protect. it's the only way you're gonna get ganz. what are you talkin' about? this suit's mine. it cost $900. listen, it may be a little out of date. you know, i got a reputation for lookingreal sharp with the ladies. we could change this for something good. get you lookin' sharp for pussy. you got a girl. shit. the generosityof women never ceases to amaze me. hey, no way. take off the bracelets or no deal. no way to start a partnership. shit. i'm already sorry. this your car, man? it looks like you bought it off one of the brothers. don't worry, i got a move for ya. an awesome move. a guy named luther. ganz'll be paying him a visit. we go to him right away. what gang you talkin' about, jack? just an expression man, don't mean nothin'. then what're you complainin' about? at least nobody's calling you shithead. just up the street, the other side, over there . now, don't bother knockin' on the door. luther ain't the kind of guy that looks for company. luther ain't the reliable type. i don't want you shot yet, cates . not before you been a help to me. yeah. didn't you know that? over there. 232. you better let me borrow one of those. watches as luther heads down the sidewaltoward him. as he starts to pass by. hammond steps out suddenly. flattens him with the car door. luther drops, stunned. hammond, still restricted by being cuffed to the door handle, reaches and grabs his pistol. quit playin' cop and undo this cuff, jack, i need to talk to this man. i got a whole thing about people pointin' guns at me. luther, i always told you the physical side of life wasn't your gig. look at you, all messed up. course you never were much in the snappy dresser department, were you? what's happening, luther? meet my travel agent. thank you. i gotta tell you he's having a ball with this car door, luther. you'd better think of somethin' to tell him. i think you better put him on ice, man. if you let him run around till tuesday, he's gonna run right to ganz and warn him. ain't you, motherfucker? luther, are you angry with me? excuse me, ladies, you seem to be in need of assistance. sweetheart, i'm not trying to bullshit you. i don't know whether or not you ladies heard but the city is coming down real hard on people practicing unlawful carnal knowledge. i'm trying to say that you're not just walk in that courtroom and get gonna slapped with a $50 fine and be back on the street turning tricks tonight. you both are going to do some time. about 30 days each. unless, of course,we talk real business. no, we can go to the back room. do you know how close i was to getting some trim. and you fucked' it up. speakin' of moans my stomach is startin' to growl. bullshit . i ain't moving till i get something to eat. you've been treating me like shit ever since i came out here. if you don't like it, you can take me back to the penitentiary and kiss my hungry black ass good-bye. and i want some food some place nice. some good people, nice music. yeah, i want mandolins, flowers. they move off down the corridor. who'd you call on the phone back at the booking station? must of been your lady friend. you really do have onoe, huh, jack. what's her problem besides you? no, man, tell me about her. in jail they got me surrounded by guys wearin' blue suits twenty- four hours a day. and i ain't built for that. really? with the clothes you got on you look like you'd love it. mission district. gonna find us an indian. come on, jack. i want to hear about your girl. when were you with her last . you get what i mean? last night, two nights ago, three? you have a good time? at least you took care of business and got the important part in before she came down on you. tell me a little about her. she got great tits? it's a long shot, but. billy used to tend bar here a few years back. i heard him talk about it. back you up? now why would i wanna do that? but you can handle it all right, huh? real amazin' how far a gun and a badge can carry some cats. i been in a lot of bars where a white cop rousted me and some of the brothers. all those clowns ever had going for 'em was a gun and a badge. hey, you wanna bet? if we come outta this joint with ganz' phone number, or a dead indian, or anything else useful, then you could turn the other way for half an hour while i get laid. that's never been one of my problems. what are you talkin' about? i don't know what you're talking about. i just wanna see ganz nailed. okay, if i lose, i'll tell you anything you want to know. i thought you said bullshit and experience are all it takes. this place don't seem real popular with the brothers. takes a deep breath, moves toward the bar. smiles at the good ol' boys. they don't smile back. he sits down at the bar. vodka. no, man, i think i'll have a vodka. you know a big indian named billy bear? he used to work here. now how's your memory doin'? maybe i better ask around, see what your pals think. moves away from the bar. he stops at a booth occupied by up against the wall, cowboy. now, i said get over there by that wall . you hear me, motherfucker. move it, rednecks. on your feet. over there. move your ass. some of you rednecks seem a little hard of hearing, so i'll repeat it for everybody. i need word on the whereabouts of an indian that goes by the name of billy bear. it's a police matter and you all look like you'd just love to cooperate. turns around at the noise. that wasn't necessary, buddy. i got this under control. you're in trouble, big trouble, so you better start talking. where'd a boy like you make a score like this? you must a rolled somebody. they don't let punks like you take jobs that pay this much . you sure you don't know a dangerous indian, because unless you start talkin' i may just have to start looking down your pants with a flashlight. i am your most terrible nightmare . a bad nigger with a badge that entitles him to kick your ass. one of them is under-age. another attacked a police officer. and you know i ain't found what i came lookin' here for yet. the tall one had a weapon . you want me to keep on makin' a list, or you got the picture yet? looks like you're on your way to bein' outta business, redneck. now, let's see what can we fuck with next? i don't give a damn about his girl. try obeyin' the law once in awhile, and i won't have to hassle you. but remember this, cowboy, there's a new sheriff in town. you made that move, huh? you already got a gun and you owe me a piece of ass. i'll settle for the gun you just took. motherfucker. what the shit is that? must be billy's girl. hey, talk to here jack. i don't feel like gettin' number two along side of the head. i'll tell you something lady, this guy is a real nervous cop - he's just liable to pull the trigger. don't have one. wait a minute. maybe these ladies would like to go a few laps with us. how about it? i been nearly three years in prison and. you wanna leave, man? let me take care of ganz all by myself. i'm impressed with you too, jack you did a real good job of busting up a couple of dykes bedded down for the night. maybe i don't like the way you ask. you beat the shit out of me? don't make me laugh, sucker. you don't know how i'd dance on your face? i'll hit you so hard, so many times, you'll wish you'd never been hatched. i'll turn your face into cottage cheese. i'll make your girl think you been takin' ugly pills. she won't even know who you are, sucker. so do i. too bad we got interrupted when we did. i was getting ready to finish you off. naw, you'd just call your pals back to bail you out one more time. one thing's for sure, jack. that's how you'll tell the story. motherfucker. i been waiting a long time for some money. half a million. how's that for a number to give you heart failure? guess you might start to get the picture after all. mlaybe you're on the wrong side of the old law and order business. me and my bunch hit a dealer in the middle of a sale. it's the kind of money nobody ever reports stolen. i was sittin' pretty, livin' in the high cotton, then somebody fingered me for another job. . some psycho who's out there capping people with some cop's gun. you catch on real fast. okay, jack, let's talk deal. how much of my money you gonna let me keep? we split 50-50? you gonna let me keep any of it? okay, from now on, i'm gonna be real good, jack. in the trunk of a car. a lot better than under a mattress, right? get this. we ain't partners. we ain't brothers. we ain't friends. if ganz gets away with my money, you're gonna be sorry we ever met. you're a real case, you know that, jack? this'll show you how smart i am. i got it parked. you just drove by it. since you're wired on benniest you get to stay up and stare at the building. i'm tired, so i'm going to sleep. they take sunday off. place opens at seven o'clock monday morning. wake me up at a quarter till. i wasn't sure the money was still there until we saw luther. you almost got your ass shot off for nothing once, not twice, jack. the place opens in five minutes. ganz ought to be here soon. not really. i figured ganz was put down for a long time. and i knew luther would never job me on his own. he's too chickenshit. what? jesus christ. that's a disgrace the guy pulls a gun on a cop and he's out in 24 hours. i tell you some of the courts these days are just a fucking revolving door. jesus christ, look at all the dust on my car. why in the hell don't he take it to a car wash? i had no choice. some white asshole bought the last piece of shit skyblue cadillac. tryin' to save his girl, man. he's in another world. i'm tellin' you the man's in love. he wants to be a hero for his girl. i let women get to me. the quest for pussy is the meaning of life . i got my own personal philosophy about 'em. keep women separate from guns, money and business . women are for spending money. they got nothing to do with helping you make it. say, do you always work people over like you did luther? doesn't it get. tiring? you got a very depressing view of life, man. you gotta smile once in awhile. if he's hoping that then he's dumber than i think he is, which would be amazin', cause i already think he's real dumb. a long time agb luther must of got the shit beat out of him so bad it just rattled his brain . that would account for him making so many wrong moves in a row. you know, i'd be embarrassed if i let my wheels go the way you've done with this job. no class. we're getting too close . cates, what's the matter, you been takin' dumb pills? that was in style a couple years back, man. that's the money, jack. shoot the sons of bitches. you don't want to chance it, then give me the gun. bullshit. then i'm staying with the money. no way. punk dancers all over the floor. at a back booth. how you doing, man? naw, right here's okay. i'm sure. everybody here's looking at everybody else's ass. i like this one. how about some ammo? how much? don't mess with me. how much? five. on credit. yeah, i know that, but this is me and we're old friends. i haven't got the money so what are you gonna do about it? try and take it. i'll got your money to you. no sweat. vodka. with a twist. and i want to run a tab. my name's reggie hammond. hi there. i'm reggie hammond. this ain't my night. hey, jack, how ya doin'? what took you so long to call, man? i been waitin' . i'm at vroman's up in the fillmore. yeah, vroman's. 'course you don't hang out here; it's for the brothers. my name's reggie hammond. excuse me, baby, but if i don't get some action tonight, i'm gonna bust. you interested? oh . you're a schoolteacher. goodbye. here you go sweetheart, throw it my way. yeah, i been waiting three years. no, baby, nothin' like that. look, there's a place across the street. we can go right over there. no, it's gotta be here and now. believe me. only i don't have the damn money for a room. be polite. say hello. this is candy. here's hoping, baby. what about ganz? you missed . luther took a taxi to the hotel across the street. made a phone call. let him get some sleep. he's going to need it. they must have set up a meeting for the morning; luther left an 8 am wake-up and put up the "don't disturb" sign. he's trading his girl for the money. all we have to do to grab ganz is not go blind. we don't have too many cheerleaders in prison. i though i might indulge myself in a little trim. forget it. i want ganz as bad as you do and i got some other news for you. you sure that's the reason? bein' good at your job don't explain everything, jack . as long as you're feeling like abe lincoln, how about payin' me on our bet? we got time and all this pussy around here's drivin' me crazy. see that one over there, the one i was with. i can just take her right across the street to luther's hotel. all i need is some money for the room. i just struck it rich. i think we can do a little business. as a matter of fact, i think we can have a party. oh no, not now! when you been in prison three years, it don't take long. let's go. luther's on the move. i'll be back. trust me. notice something funny about that bus? goin' a little hard on him, aren't you? you know for a man, you have very pretty brown eyes. hey, how'd my car get here? back to jail in my own car. ganz got away. got all my money. it just don't seem right. sorry we didn't do better, jack. i feel like i let you down. yeah, but we didn't get 'em. it's late, they're closing. name's hammond, reggie hammond. i heard a lot about you. and any friend of jack's is a friend of mine. well, i been workin' the other side of the street for the last few years. and you don't exactly look like a shrink, wearin' that dress. hard man to live with. hey, two days with him is enough. he was the only one of my bunch that was my friend. he was loyal, went all the way for you. yeah, too bad. they were real nice lookin' too. in bed together, hardly any clothes one watching tv. she's got a point there, jack. do i get to kiss her too? what if your girl's theory turns out to be bullshit? i mean, they could be in rio de janeiro. hey, there she is. if we run into billy first, let me try and talk him in. yeah, and i know ganz sure ain't no sweetheart. i wouldn't like it if this partnership ended before it gets started. well, you got to admit we come a long way. he means it. if you help use he's got a chance, lady. give it up, billy. you got no shot at it. i'm tellin' ya, billy, give it up. on his street hears the shot. he runs toward it, down a narrow alley between two buildings. give up. he's crazy. he'll kill us both. jesus christ, i didn't think you'd really do it. you are crazy. yours? yeah. but i wasn't there for a second. just tryin' to get the money, jack. just tryin' to build up a few points on that merit system. here you go, baby. hey, no, i'm tryin' to be nice. buy yourself something pretty. i'd do it, but i got to go. i got this cop waitin' for me. i'll be back in six months. maybe i'll make an honest woman of you. i'll buy ya the best dinner in san francisco. how'd that be? then we'll go dancin', okay? hey, jack, real men don't have to go in for that macho bullshit . but i was fantastic. wait a minute, cates. i've been waitin' three years for that. i don't think it's fair, man. what about the merit system.? you were gonnna give me a few thousand. and you're tellin' me you don't want any of this cash? you are an awesomely weird cop. sure wish there were more like you runnin' around out here. spare met jack. i'm into legit investments from here on in. No trouble, Jack. But, listen, suppose I stay a crook? Where'd you get the idea that you could catch me?