i didn't know who else to call. did she say why? a hormonal thing. jesus. you know what they say. there's plenty other fish in the sea. sure they do. they say that. oh shit. what? yeah well, that's not really where we live. i think i missed something. dude, you got problems. like what, she said "hey" instead of "hi" cause that totally means she's a lesbian. you son of a bitch. last night, karaoke night? the same girl you'd been whining and crying and bitching about for weeks now? the same girl you said was way out of your league and you'd have no chance with no matter what. that girl? did you bang her? blow job? hand job? come on, level with me. as your best friend, who tolerated a whole month of talk talk talk about this girl, nothing but summer this, summer that, summer summer summer, i mean you were practically stalking her. oh crap. summer, wow what an unusual name. i'm sure i'd remember that if i had heard it before. tom, how come you've never mentioned you knew such a lovely little lady? or perhaps you have and i've just forgot. i mean, with all the women in tom's life it's hard to keep track. ok, well, i was just. i'm paul. (not sure what else to anyway, i'm leaving now. pretend i was never here. tom, talk to you later?. hey, if any jobs open up. so what's going on with you and summer? is she your girlfriend? it's not an unreasonable question. watch. mckenzie, do you have a girlfriend? why yes, in fact i do. her name is robyn. see tom, it's easy. you've been "seeing" this girl, what, two months now? and you haven't discussed it? like what? hanging out?! well let me ask you this then. do you want her to be your girlfriend? you really need to have that talk. i just got lucky i guess. we met in elementary school. we had the same class schedule in the 7th grade and we just. clicked. i wouldn't say "the girl of my dreams," no. the girl of my dreams would have a better rack. probably different hair, could like sports a little more. but. truth is. robyn's better than the girl of my dreams. we have news. thats what we wanted to ask you. you've been much much better. just let sleeping dogs lie. it is. it is. i know. i'm so sorry tom. it's insane. no. let him go.