i think we should stop seeing each other. this thing. this whatever it is. you and me. do you think this is normal? you're happy? all we do is argue! this can't be a total surprise. i mean, we've been like sid and nancy for months. no. i'm sid. let's just eat and we'll talk about it after. i'm starving. mmm, you're so right. these are great! tom, don't. come back. you're still my best fr--- excuse me, mr. vance? there's a call for you on line 3. michigan. nice to meet you all. the smiths. i love the smiths. i said. i love the smiths. you have good taste in music. hello. tom. the city or the firm? i'm happy. still getting situated. how long have you worked here? really? jesus. did you always want to write greeting cards? what is it you want to do? that's so cool! what happened? and are you any good? i meant, are you any good as an architect? well, i'd say you're a perfectly . adequate. greeting card writer. they used to call me "anal girl." anyway, i should get back. yeah? it was good. i'm going to the supply room. anyone need anything? oh ok, sure, no prob. that is hilarious! hey! they said you weren't coming. ooh that's me. ok. i'm the new girl so no making fun of me. well you can't go wrong with the boss. yeah? i named my cat after springsteen. bruce. me? no. don't really want one. you don't believe a woman could enjoy being free and independent? no, i'm not a lesbian. i'm just not comfortable being somebody's "girlfriend." i don't want to be anybody's anything, you know? it sounds selfish, i know, but. i just like being on my own. relationships are messy and feelings are always getting hurt. who needs all that? we're young. we're in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. interesting. a real romantic. i don't even know what that word means. i know i've never felt it, whatever it is in all those songs. and i know that today most marriages end in divorce. like my parents. oh yeah, and i read in newsweek, there were these scientists who found that by stimulating a part of the brain with electrodes you can make a person fall in "love" with a rock. is that the love you're talking about? why, what's your take on it? i'd say it's your turn loverboy. sure you do. i see you lip-synching to your headphones every morning on your way in. it's ok. i like it. takes a lot of self-confidence to look ridiculous. ok then. let's drink. bartender! what is that then? i used to watch it every week. pathetic. totally. is that true? you know what. do you. like me? as a friend. just as a friend? nothing. i just. you're interesting. i'd like us to be friends. is that ok? cool. well, i'm that way. good night tom. hey! yes, mr. vance? hi, i'm summer. hi paul. nice to meet you. heard what? i'm stalking, starving! sometimes you can be so judgmental. i mean, who are you? they're happy. just mind your own business. too soon to say. it's all in the dismount. i can't believe them. i have like zero patience for pda. yeah? this is fun. you're fun. i mean, i just want to say, up front, i'm not looking for anything serious. are you cool with that? it freaks some guys out when i say that. let's just have fun. let's just. hang out, no pressure, no labels, no obligations. hi. complex. yes. in a way, it speaks so much by saying. so little. why? how would you change it? show me. don't talk about it. do it. you wanna -- it doesn't matter to me. so how's it going? i remember! this is not at all as easy as it looks. why not? i told you. i love ringo. why? that's what i love about him. is that. possible? hi. are you ok? you sure? ok. wait! whoa. oh my god. we can't talk during this song. it's too beautiful. people think it looks good. on some. yeah? what if i started wearing berets and got a huge butterfly tattoo on my leg? hey. ok. yeah not too far. you're not too perceptive. no thank you. sorry, no thank you. don't be rude. i'm flattered, i'm just not interested. now why don't you go back over there and leave us alone, ok? i can't believe you. you were so completely uncool in there. oh that was for me? you were, what, protecting me? next time tommy, don't. i fight my own battles. you didn't have to hit him. why didn't you just let me handle it? see. this is why i don't want a serious relationship. nothing. look, i like you tom. i like this. what we've been doing. but maybe it's gone too. i told you all along what i don't want and it's. i'm tired. can we talk about this tomorrow? nothing. tom. are you almost done? say you're sorry. say you're sorry for acting like a jerk. ok. me too. i know - i can't promise you that. nobody can. anyone who does is a liar. i can only tell you how i feel right now. or i can show you. what? well. yeah. a few. oh no way. cause there's nothing to tell. you wanna have the relationship history conversation? you sure about that? ok. well, in high school, there was markus. he was a rower. very hot. he works for the republican party. very successful. just not for me. well, for a short time in college, there was kurt. that didn't really go anywhere. yeah, cause, you know. the ones that lasted. nothing happened really. it's what always happens. life. while you continue to talk about buildings and whatever other bullshit interests you, i'll just nod my head and pretend to listen while secretly dreaming about the many ways i can one day rip out your heart and eat it like the rabid vampire i am. it was good. hey it's me. i am thank you. listen, about tonight. i think i might just stay in and go to bed early. i'm just really tired and i've gotta go in early tomorrow. would you be super mad at me if we went out this weekend instead? i'm not really that hungry. and this place is fancy right? i'd rather not. seriously, do you mind? thank you. so we'll talk tomorrow, alright? great. good night tom. ok i'm sick of this love shit. come on! we've been fed this nonsense for generations to the point where it's now genetically encoded in our very beings. and what does it mean? absolutely nothing. give me a break! it sounds amazing. exactly. all you take me to are sappy little romances. i want to see some open wounds, damn it. i want carnage. what? you too. yes we are. absolutely. it's fine. did you tell them i was your girlfriend? they seemed to think. i mean, why is your step-dad giving me a hug? does he hug all your friends? you're not having any fun. i'm dancing. i haven't danced in ages. god. come on. come on! i wanna dance with you. so you're pissed? then why are you here? yeah well, i didn't need a chaperone. go home. you're a buzzkill standing there pouting. tom! of course. where am i exactly? wow. so this is a big day in your sister's life. hello? ok. sure. i might need 45. it was fine. just a work thing. some restaurant. uneventful. didn't get home until after 12 though which is way too late for a stupid work function. how was your night? you want to go? i want to see it. let's go. unless you don't want to. ok. i know. i'm sorry tom. yeah. i'm just. i'm sorry. i'm being ridiculous. ok. i've never heard of them. so. now. i think i'm gonna call it a day. i've got pasta at home. i'm pretty hungry, but -- what? what? now? hey. where you coming from? awhile. i come here a lot. i always loved this place, ever since you brought me here. probably. but only if you mean it. i understand. you really do? how are you, tom? that's good. really? that's great! what are you doing now? who, my guy? tom. ok. i know. pretty crazy, huh? tom -- i don't know. it just happened. i. tom. i woke up one day and i knew. i knew i could promise him i'd feel the same way every morning. in a way that i. i never could with you. what is? tom, don't go. i was right? tom! you're the crazy person! one day i'm reading a book at the corner deli and this guy sits down and starts asking about it. now he's my husband! what would have happened if i went to the movies instead? if i went somewhere else for lunch? if i showed up to eat ten minutes later? tom, it was meant to be, just like you said. and as it was happening, i knew it. i could feel it, sure as the sun. and i kept thinking to myself "holy shit. tom was right." you were right about all of it. anyway, i should probably be getting back. it was good to see you. i'm glad you're well. i know.