welcome home. what's this. have you been smoking. ? your clothing reeks of it. i'm not accusing you. okay, i believe you. how's the detective business? you better not be smoking, that's all i can say. i love you. you think you'll have time for the water heater this weekend? you're not using the same guy who tried to fix it? betty's out of town so we're playing next week. i understand. i know. why the gun? hello? tom? where have you been. ? what's wrong? are you alright? what's going on? what happened to you? what's going on, tom? what happened? tom. why haven't you called? why don't you answer your phone? you're sorry? what was i supposed to think? you owe me an explanation. you can't treat me like this. you couldn't? no, i don't, because you're not telling me anything! you should have. look where we are. look at yourself. you son of a bitch, you don't have any idea what you're putting me through. you're killing me. what was i supposed to think happened to you?! who are you calling? what? tom. she's dead. she died in her sleep three days ago. it was in the paper. how could you not know? promise you'll stay. promise me. tom?! how much forgiveness do you think i have in me? tom. ?