come in. make yourself comfortable. what can i do for you today? flattering. and, who's your colorful little chum? hmm. well, i'm glad you appreciate it. what would you say is your favorite piece? you said something about money. is it? and they are? i'll consider it. machine. he might be interested. but it would mean another five thousand. well, well, i'll have to put my thinking-cap on about all this. you'll leave the money as a deposit? very good. you have a beautiful face. the way the light hits it. i'd like to take your picture. you don't mind? what's the problem? you trust me to keep your money, but not to take your picture? i'll do this for you. fifteen thousand dollars. he's in. it will be his pleasure. be at 366 hoyt avenue, three o'clock, tomorrow. brooklyn. don't be late. there you are. come join us. you brought the money? excellent. they should be here any minute. hmm? oh, the knifes? they're just props. nice, aren't they? machine and i were just talking about knifes. the beauty of knifes. he was saying how fascinated he is by their simple ability to be sharp. the ability of a piece of metal to be so thin that it is almost nothing. so close to nothingness that it cuts with minimum effort, because it's so non-intrusive. flesh is fooled. it blooms open as the blade widens, but by then it's too late, because the knife's already doing its pure, simple damage. ah, ours guests have arrived. mister welles. would you be so kind as to remove any firearms from your person? take out your gun! slowly. let me see it. empty the gun onto the table, very carefully. shut up, cunt! do exactly as i say, or i'll put this arrow through your throat. put the gun down, take the handcuffs. handcuff yourself to the bed. didn't know what to make of you at first, and you certainly had eddie on pins and needles. but, lo and behold, from out of the blue came an old business acquaintance to explain everything. you remember mr. longdale, don't you? fine idea. you're going to go get the film you received from mrs. christian, bring it here and put it in my hand. and to save time, so we make this as efficient as possible, there's an incentive. friend of yours? can you guess what i'm going to say next? bring the film, or we kill him. how cooperative. longdale will keep you company. don't let longdale's questionable choice of weapon give you any ideas. if his fey little gun puts enough little holes in you, you'll be just as dead. and so will max. do hurry. leave him alone. first things first. you might want to watch this, mr. welles. and so it ends. it's as if she never existed. don't blame yourself. you were in way over your head. what's going on, longdale? did this happen? what were you thinking? you're not going anywhere if you fucked us, lawyer. you betrayed us. you're not gonna live through this. fuck you!