what can i do for you, mr. welles? alright, tom. there are reasons for the way we do things here. why not go to the n.c.i.c. or n.c.m.e.c.? we do. why don't they come to me? i'm not so sure about this. i can give you my card, if your clients want to call me. well, that's all i can do. sorry. excuse me. tom, hold on. listen, maybe i can help after all. why don't you come on back in. we'll see what we can do. this is it. it's not much. we've got less than five percent on computer and we lose that funding in december. i'll have someone show it to you anyway. other than that, i'm afraid it's the wet thumb method. files are mostly by state and year of disappearance. we try to keep the children and adults separate. no eating or smoking in here, but there's a coffee machine in the hall. it's horrible, but it'll be your best friend after a few days. i hope you realize what kind of long shot you're chasing after. it's good what you're doing.