half a dozen. this is good stuff, jimbo. you know how my tapes sell. people eat this stuff up. maybe there's something wrong with the scumbag customers coming into your place, ever think of that? look, you cocksucker. fuck you! celebrity films. yeah, who's this? what? who is this. what the fuck are you. ? dino, it's eddie. eddie poole. i just got a call. two seconds ago, some motherfucker called. says he knows about the loop. the loop! the girl we did, what the fuck do you think i'm talking about?! this guy calls and says he knows about the fucking loop. i'm telling you. because somebody just fucking called me and fucking laid it out! dino. is that him? this is the fucker? motherfucker, doesn't look like anything. doesn't look like shit. move it, dirtbag. ! you're a dead man. fuck off. what the fuck. ! sorry. what's he talking about? what the fuck's he talking about? you sell us short, you fuck? you fucking lawyer. you got the guts, tough guy? gonna kill us all, is that it? fuck. do him good. i'm gonna kill you. how'd you find me here? fuck you! what do you want? i don't know. i told you, i don't know. what the fuck am i gonna protect that freak for? he was dino's boy, not mine. he shows up with his mask on, leaves with his mask on. nobody knows. yeah, the fucking lawyer. yeah. thirty thousand each, that fucking cocksucker. it was a lot of fucking money. something like that. what the fuck do you want from me? fuck you then, you want to know? i talked her up, told her how beautiful she was, told her she was gonna be a star. i told her i was gonna get her a screen test, and while i'm doing that, i got her a soda and dropped a mickey. when it was dark enough, i rang dino and told him it was go time, i put her in the trunk of my car and we went and we fucking did it. that's what happened. she's dead. she's been dead a long fucking time. nobody fucking cares! you wanted to know, now you know. that's right, motherfucker, cut me loose. be a man. why? what are we doing here? i don't know. i felt like it. i never saw anyone get done before. made me sick, but what did i care? what did i care if some hump wants to beat off to that. it was just something i was doing for money. what do you want to know? you saw it, you saw the loop. there wasn't nobody around. this place was a shit-hole. i backed up the car to the door and we carried her in, like groceries. dino made her eat a bunch of pills, we laid out the plastic, put film in the camera and machine went to work. took it out the bathroom window. buried it in the woods. what are you thinking you're gonna do. ? where do you think you're taking this, huh? gonna be a big hero, avenge that little girl's death? gonna make everything right with the world? how you gonna do that. ? you can't go to the cops. all you can do is cut me loose and walk away, because you got nothing. you got absolute zero. i don't know. . out there somewhere. i fucking don't know. what do you think. we weren't burying treasure. we didn't pace it out so we could come back and get it. we dug a hole and we put her in it. your guess is as good as mine. you'll never find her. nobody ever will, and even if they did, it doesn't mean nothing. bring in the cops, bring in the f.b.i., fuck 'em all. without the film, it never happened. don't you get it? it's over. you can't do anything. do it. do it! put me out of my misery so i don't have to listen to you whining anymore. you think it's so easy? i never killed anyone. what do you want? you want me to fall to my knees and start crying like a baby. ? where you going? you're the one with the gun. aren't i defenseless enough? come on. go ahead and kill me. kill me with that gun, your gun, right, registered in your name? dig the hole yourself, with your bare hands, bury the body with your bullets in it. fucking do it! you pussy. fucking pussy!