"dear mom. if you're reading this, it means i called you from hollywood, california and told you where to find my diary. i don't think i'll be able to tell you this when i talk to you, so i'm writing it down here. you know i haven't been happy for a long, long time. for a long time now dad's been doing things i couldn't tell you. he's been touching me and it's getting worse. i can't stay anymore. i know you and i haven't always gotten along sometimes, but please don't blame yourself. there isn't anything you can do. i'm going to make a whole new life in california. maybe someday you'll see me on tv or in magazines. don't worry about me. love, mary anne." "dear diary. i have a big math test tomorrow. i have to get better grades. how come everybody does better than me? kathy doesn't even study and she gets b's. two boys got in a fight after school today. one boy knocked the other boy's tooth out, at least that's what it looked like. his nose and mouth were bleeding all over the place" ". we're reading the great gatsby in english class. it's the story of this guy who has lots of fancy parties and all his friends come around and party with him, but later when he dies nobody comes to his funeral. someone said there's a movie about it, but i looked in the video store and it wasn't there." "dear diary. i started my first job last week working part time at price mart department store" "star light, star bright, first star i've seen tonight, wish i may, wish i might, have this wish i wish tonight."