sir, lance corporal harold w. dawson, sir. rifle security company windward, second platoon, delta. sir, yes sir! yes sir. sir, a code red is a disciplinary engagement. sir, a marine falls out of line, it's up to the men in his unit to get him back on track. sir? sir, a marine has refused to bathe on a regular basis. the men in his squad would give him a g.i. shower. scrub brushes, brillo pads, steel wool. yes sir. sir, private downey will answer any direct questions you ask him. no sir. yes sir, that's when we were taken under arrest. yes sir. my mirror engaged, sir. because he broke the chain of command, sir. he went outside his unit, sir. if he had a problem, he should've spoken to me, sir. then his sergeant, then company commander, then -- no sir. to train him, sir. train him to think of his unit before himself. to respect the code. unit corps god country. unit corps god country, sir. that's our code, sir. sir. no thank you. sir. sir? officer on deck, ten hut. sir? yes sir. you didn't ask us, sir. yes sir. i know you do, sir. ma'am, that's correct. but then he dismissed the platoon and we all went to our rooms. lt. kendrick came to our room, ma'am. about five minutes after the meeting broke, sir. about 16:20. lt. kendrick ordered us to give santiago a code red. i'm afraid we can't do that, sir. make a deal, sir. we did nothing wrong, sir. we did our job. if that has consequences, then i accept them. but'i won't say i'm guilty, sir. we have a code, sir. permission to -- what do we do then, sir? after six months. we'd be dishonorably discharged, right sir? what do we do then, sir? we joined the corps 'cause we wanted to live our lives by a certain code. and we found it in the corps. and now you're asking us to sign a piece of paper that says we have no honor. you're asking us to say we're not marines. if a judge and jury decide that what we did was wrong, i'll accept whatever punishment they give. but i believe i was riqht, sir. i believe i did my job. and i won't dishonor myself, my unit, or the corps, so that i can qo home in six months. sir. do you think we were right? do you think we were right? you're such a coward, i can't believe they let you wear a uniform. private. answer the lieutenant's question. why? why?! we did nothing wrong. you're the lawyer. not anymore. i never meant to hurt willy. sir! ten-hut. there's an officer on deck.