you're lucky it's us, willy. hal? is this washington, d.c.? sir, pfc louden downey. sir, yes sir. no sir. no sir. we were gonna shave his head, sir. we saw blood drippinq out of his mouth. then we pulled the tape off, and there was blood all down his face, sir. that's when corporal dawson called the ambulance. yes sir. he ordered me and corporal dawson to give willy a code red. to give private santiago a code red, ma'am. i was ordered to give him a code red by the executive officer for rifle security company windward, lieutenent jonathan james kendrick. you think they'll let us go back to our platoon soon, ma'am? a code red was ordered by my platoon commander, lt. jonathan james kendrick. i'm sure it is, sir, they keep that log pretty good. it's a ways, sir, it's a hike. about ten, fifteen minutes, sir. yes sir. that day, sir. friday. the pick-up private -- sir, that's what we call the fella who drops us at our posts and picks us up. also, 'cause he can get girls in new york city -- the pick-up private got a flat. right at 39. he pulled up and blam! . a blowout-with no spare. the two of us had to double-time it back to the barracks. pick-up and me did it in 45 flat, sir. yes sir. sir? you see sir, there was a flat tire. no, sir. hal? hal? hal? hal? yes, lieutenant. i was given an order by my squad leader, lance corporal harold w. dawson of the u.s. marine corps. and i followed it. i don't understand. colonel jessep said he ordered the code red. colonel jessep said he ordered the code red, what did we do wrong? what did we do wrong?