dawson and downey are at the defense table, ross is his place. kaffee walks in and joins jo and sam at their table. papers are being passed back and forth between ross and the sergeant at ams. quiet activity. a few more m.p.'s are standing around. the jurors, nine enlisted navy and marine men and women, are in their place, ross is at his table looking through some papers, and dawson and downey, in handcuffs, are seated at the defense table. the trial in a few moments from being underway and a few people are milling about. kaffee walks down the aisle but is stopped by a voice behind him. commander stone, a navy doctor in his mid-40's, is on the stand. kendrick's on the stand. what drives kaffee's entire examination of kendrick is this: kaffee's got him. he's gonna win. at least this round. all he has to do is not let his emotions take control of his professional skill. everyone stands at attention as randolph enters. sam is missing.