sir, santiago is a member of second platoon, delta. that won't be necessary, colonel, i'll handle the situation. my methods of leadership are -- yes sir. yes sir, i'd be delighted to hear any suggestions you have. yes. i told the men that there was an informer among us. and that despite any desire they might have to seek retribution, private santiago was not to be harmed in any way. sixteen-hundred. actually, the uniforms belong to the marine corps. no, you may not. no, i like all you navy boys. every time we've gotta go someplace and fight, you fellas always give us a ride. commander, i believe in god, and in his son jesus christ, and because i do, i can say this: private santiago is dead and that's a tragedy. but he's dead because he had no code. he's dead because he had no honor. and god was watching. the corporal's got the jeep outside, he'll take you back to the airstrip. i'd say he was about average. yes. private santiago was below average i didn't see the need in trampling on a man's grave. i'm aware of my oath. that's fine. i'm sure it was. i'm sure i don't. i have many men in my charge, lieutenant, i write many fitness reports. yes. i have two books at my bedside, lieutenant, the marine code of conduct and the king james bible. the only proper authorities i'm aware of are my commanding officer, colonel nathan r. jessep and the lord our god. i remember thinking very highly of private barnes, and not wanting to see his record tarnished by a formal charge. i most certainly did. yes i do. no, i have not. that's a distortion of the truth. private barnes was placed on barracks restriction. he was given water and vitamin supplements, and i assure you that at no time was his health in danger. yes. not necessarily. corporal dawson was found to be below average because he committed a crime. he disobeyed an order. corporal dawson disobeyed an order. no, he can not. i would think so. i told those men not to touch santiago. no i did not.