i'm appalled, sir. colonel, i think perhaps it would be better to hold this discussion in private. the same way you handled the curtis barnes incident? you're doing something wrong, lieutenant this -- don't interrupt me, i'm still your superior officer. i think santiago should be transferred off the base. right away. not only that, but word of this letter's bound to get out. the kid's gonna get his ass kicked. i think that's a mistake, colonel. i don't know that -- lt. kaffee, i had the pleasure of seeing your father once. i was a teenager and he spoke at my high school. you left the door unlocked. drive. yes. i'm also aware that the lives of two marines are in your hands. if there was something i could do about that, i would, but since i can't, all i can do is help you. why don't you drive, lieutenant. i know everything. yes. yes. i didn't need to -- no. i know. he was never gonna be transferred off the base. jessep was going to keep him on the base. he said he wanted him trained. i know. i signed it the morning you arrived in cuba. six days after santiago died. i don't want a deal. and i don't want immunity. i want you to know, i'm proud neither of what i've done nor what i'm doing. the first flight stateside left guantanamo bay at eleven and arrived at andrews airforce base, maryland, at a few minutes past two. why the hell did you think it would be?!! nathan jessep is about to be named director of operations for the national security council. you don't get to that position without knowing how to side-step a few land mines. and putting me on the stand isn't gonna make him step on one. "dear mr. and mrs. santiago" i was william's company commander. i knew your son vaguely, which is to say i knew his name. in a matter of time, the trial of the two man charged with your son's death will be concluded, and seven men and two women whom you've never met will try to offer you an explanation as to why william is dead. for my part, i've done as much as i can to bring the truth to light. and the truth is this: your son is dead for only one reason. i wasn't strong enough to stop it. always, captain matthew andrew markinson. united states marine corps.