where are we? does defense wish to enter a plea? enter a plea of not guilty for the defendants. we'll adjourn until ten- hundred, three weeks from today, at which time this court will reconvene as a general court-martial. is the government prepared to make an opening statement? lt. kaffee? is the government ready to call its first witness? sustained. yes sir. lieutenant? then we'll adjourn for the day. you can call your next witness in the morning. a point which i'm confident you'll illustrate to the jury under cross- examination, so i'm sure you won't mind if his opinion is admitted now. sustained. strike it. the objection's overruled, counsel. the objection of the defense has been heard and overruled. noted. the witness is an expert and the court will hear his opinion. commander, you may step down. we'll stand in recess until ten- hundred hours this monday, the l9th at which time the defense will call it's first witness. corporal howard, you can step down. sustained. watch yourself, counselor. the government's objection is sustained, lt. kaffee, and i would remind you that you're now questioning marine officer with an impeccable service record. sustained. the question will be repeated. call your witness. lieutenant, call your witness. the witness is aware, the court is aware, and now the jury is aware. we thank you for bringing this to our attention. move on lieutenant. a very little latitude. gentlemen. you better get somewhere fast with this, lieutenant. lt. kaffee, i have to -- i'm gonna put a stop to this now. overruled. the objection's noted. lt. kaffee? lieutenant, do you have anything further for this witness? defense counsel will address the witness as colonel or sir. and the witness will address this court as judge or your honor. i'm quite certain i've earned it. take your seat, colonel. lieutenant, i think we've covered this, haven't we? i don't understand. you're admitting evidence of a flight that never existed? i'll allow the witnesses. the court'll wait for answer. counsel. that'll be all, counsel. lt. ross? the sergeant at arms will take the jury to an ante-room where you'll wait until further instruction. m.p.'s, guard the prisoner. have the jurors reached a verdict? on the charge of murder, the members find the defendants not guilty. on the charge of conspiracy to commit murder, the members find the defendants not guilty. on the charge of conduct unbecoming a united states marine, the members find the defendants guilty as charged. the defendants are hereby sentenced by this court to time already served, and are ordered. and are ordered to be dishonorably discharged from the marine corps. this court-martial is adjourned.