i think she's ready to say her first word any day now. she just looks like she has something to say. a big wall separating the good guys from the bad guys. no. i have a stack of paper on my desk -- doing what? kaffee'll finish this up in four days. in other words i have no responsibilities whatsoever. my kinda case. i have no responsibilities here whatsoever. commander, lt. kaffee's generally considered the best litigator in our office. he's successfully plea bargained 44 cases in nine months. danny -- he's been in the papers lately. he's expected to be appointed director of operations for the national security counsel. guantanamo bay. he's a little preoccupied. the team's playing bethesda medical next week. about what? beautiful. on the night of august 2nd, did you fire a shot across the fenceline into cuba? why? for each american sentry post there's a cuban counterpart. they're called mirrors. the corporal's claiming that his mirror was about to fire at him. what's the code? i beg your pardon? when nancy gets back, you're my witness. the baby spoke. my daughter said a word. oh come on, it was a word. you heard her. the girl sat here, pointed, and said "pa". she did. she said "pa". that's right. pointing, as if to say, "pa, look, a doorknob". that's what you wanted. so? danny, take the twelve years, it's a gift. i believe every word they said. and i think they ought to go to jail for the rest of their lives. remember to wear your whites, it's hot down there. nobody likes the whites, but we're going to cuba in august. you got dramamine? dramamine keeps you from throwing up, you get sick when you fly. i've got some oregano, i hear that works pretty good. so? four o'clock. how do you feel about that theory? you just make a motion tomorrow morning at the arraignment. the judge'll ask you if you want to enter a plea. you tell him you want new counsel assigned. an argument that didn't work for calley at my lai, an argument that didn't work for the nazis at nuremberg. she said if markinson doesn't want to be found, we're not gonna find him. she said i could be markinson and you wouldn't know it. no. i was wondering, now that joanne's working on this. i was wondering if you still need me. an illegal order. it doesn't matter if they know, any decent human being would've refused to -- then what's the secret? what are the magic words? i give orders every day, and nobody follows them. did you get any dumplings? what about motive? cartons 3 and 4. no. no. no. you mean other than the dead body? don't ask the last question. his answers still have to come faster, jo. the iowa farmboy thing'll play for a while, but in the end it looks like he's searching for the truth. what time is it? see you in court. i strenuously object? is that how it works? objection. overruled. no, no, no, no, i strenuously object. oh, well if you strenuously object, let me take a moment to reconsider. you also got it in the jury's head that we're afraid of the doctor. you object once so they can hear you say he's not a criminologist. you keep after it and it looks like this great cross we did was just a bunch of fancy lawyer tricks. it's the difference between paper law and trial -- christ, you even had the judge saying stone was an expert! i'm gonna go call my wife. i'll meet you tonight. they beat up on a weakling, and that's all they did. the rest is just smokefilled coffee-house crap. they tortured and tormented a weaker kid. they didn't like him. and they killed him. and why? because he couldn't run very fast. i apologize, i, -- saturday. why do you like them so much? don't worry about the doctor. this trial starts monday. we need the tower chief's log for this is the tower chief's log for that night. jessep was telling the truth. the six a.m. flight was the first plane out. do you have any idea how many planes take off and land every day? a kid from the ground crew isn't gonna remember a flight that landed four weeks ago. look, we're all a little -- yeah. don't do this to yourself. did i ever tell you that i wrote a paper on your father in college? he was one of the best trial lawyers ever. and if i were dawson and downey and i had a choice between you or your father to represent me in this case, i'd take you any day of the week and twice on sunday. you should have seen yourself thunder away at kendrick. no. with the evidence we've got? not in a million years. but here's the thing -- and there's really no way of getting around this -- neither lionel kaffee nor sam weinberg are lead counsel for the defense in the matter of u.s. versus dawson and downey. so there's only one question. what would you do? what's the transfer order without a witness? a dead witness. look at this. last night he was swimming in his jack daniels, now he can leap tall buildings in a single bound. and you think you can got him to just say it? that's it? that's the plan? you're gonna trip jessep and he's gonna confess. and how are you gonna do that? i can understand that. i used to have stuffed panda named mr. boob. i could never do my home work without him. boy, he does think better with that bat. i've gotta go out to andrews. yes you did! a jury just said your conduct was unbecoming a marine. what does that mean?! you're the marine. thanks, i can't. i'm gonna go home and talk to my daughter. i think she's gotta be bilingual by now.