yeah! okay! out in a minute! out in a minute! will you read this? tell me what you think? larry continues to stare at the ceiling. boy. you should've worn a hat. boy! the air out here is magnificent! mimi, looking at larry, responds to his dark silence: if somebody could bottle this air they'd make a million bucks! a white title comes up: the first rabbi it's a victimless crime. they must have finked me out. they knew i could just keep on winning, so a couple weeks ago they blackballed me, and now they've- what's unfair is these guys saying i can't play in their card game! some goys run a private game. we hear the tv go on down the hall and the theme from f troop. i think they're italians. i didn't know what to tell them! they asked for my address. . i didn't know whether to say i lived here or at the jolly roger. i figured this would sound more. i don't know. mrs. samsky appears behind larry on the stoop. hello, mrs. samsky. nothing! i didn't do anything! but i didn't do anything! aaahhhh! shockingy loud, the scream is hard to interpret. arthur flings off his bedclothes. he leaps from the bed and runs to the door. in boxer shorts and undershirt he flings the door open and runs out of the room. it's all shit, larry! it's all shit! it's all fucking shit! look at everything hashem has given you! and what do i get! i get fucking shit! you've got a family. you've got a job. hashem hasn't given me bupkes. hashem hasn't given me shit. now i can't even play cards. he starts weeping again. larry looks around. i think so. yeah. there. he indicates the road ahead. oh my god. where did you get this? this is a lot of money! this is a lot of money! are you sure you don't need it? are you sure this is okay? larry. i'm sorry. what i said last night. yes. i'm sorry. larry blinks sleep away. after a beat: i'll go drain my cyst.