uh, dr. gopnik, i believe the results of physics mid-term were unjust.
i received an unsatisfactory grade. in fact: f, the failing grade.
yes, but this is not just. i was unaware to be examined on the mathematics.
if i receive failing grade i lose my scholarship, and feel shame. i understand the physics. i understand the dead cat.
very difficult.  very difficult.
passing grade.
or perhaps i can take the mid-term again. now i know it covers mathematics.
secret test. larry wraps a hand wearily over his eyes.
very troubling. he rises. . very troubling.  he goes to the door, shaking his head, as larry looks on in surprise. he leaves. larry stares at the open door. the secretary outside, her back to us, types on. larry. looks stupidly around his own office, shakes his head. he picks up the phone message from sy ableman-"let's talk"-and dials. as he dials his other hand wanders over the papers on the desktop. there is a plain white envelope on the desk. larry picks it up as the phone rings through. a ring is clipped short and a warm basso-baritone rumbles through the line: phone voice sy ableman.
i didn't leave it.
i didn't leave anything. i'm not missing anything. i know where everything is. larry looks at him, trying to formulate a thought.
yes, sir. that is there.
yes sir. that is something. a beat. . what is it.
of course, sir.
yes. often.
yes sir.
no sir. i know about my actions.
meer sir my sir. larry cocks his head.
mere.  surmise. sir. he gravely shakes his head. . very uncertain.