how are you, larry, jesus, i am so sorry to be seeing you under these circumstances. i always thought you and judy were rock solid. this is so terrible, larry. this is devastating. really? well, legally, i have to warn you, it's never easy for the husband. unless, of course, there's some question of the wife having violated the marriage contract. sy ableman! esther is barely cold! well, okay, still-this changes the complexion, larry! sy ableman! oh. oh. uh-huh, sure, not really a legal matter. okay. well. my goodness. how are the children taking it? good. well. on the other thing, the neighbor's property line, i've asked solomon schlutz to take a look. there's very little having to do with real estate that'll get by sol. our fee structure? we bill by the hour. dave sieglestein and solomon schlutz bill at a hundred and ten, the associ- ates, me for instance, bill at a secretary sticks her head in. you can take it here. everything okay? she's retained barney silver at tuchman, marsh. this is a, uh--this is an aggressive firm, larry. these are not pleasant people. judith is free of course to retain whoever she. i take it you don't talk to her? larry raises his head, squinting against the light. mm. yeah, yeah you better open an account in your name only, put your paychecks in there from here on out. til we know where we stand. oh, absolutely! oh, absolutely! you, uh- ouch. well, yes, this is definitely, um, adversarial. the have you seen the rabbi? you should talk to minda. mm. congratulates the bar mitzvah boy every week, so forth? larry nods miserably. . that's too bad. a very wise man, minda. larry raises his head. very old. larry, you're fine. it's a bump in the road. was nachtner helpful at all? larry gives a helpless shrug. don rolls his eyes. . what-did he tell you about the goy's teeth? a knock on the door. don projects: yeah? the door cracks open. a pipe edges in, followed by a peeking face: solomon schlutz. . oh, good! sol, come on in. solomon schlutz is a large man in shirtsleeves and suspenders. he has the smooth impassive face of a sphynx with a pipe clenched in its teeth. he glides into the room, a sheaf of files tucked under one arm. . sol has been looking into the property-line issues. . solomon schlutz seats himself at the conference table and starts sorting and arranging the files into three piles. . it seems that you do have a real problem with the original survey. but sol seems to think there's some kind of nifty way for us to-well, i haven't heard it myself, i'll let sol map it out. solomon schlutz continues to arrange the files, his eye occasionally lingering on a specific page. when at length he is finished he carefully justifies the edges of the closest pile, takes the pipe out of his mouth, gives larry a smile that seems to take some effort, and then taps the pipe in a large glass ashtray. he looks up again at larry, this time shocked. his stunned look on larry holds for a long beat. larry returns a bewildered look. sol? solomon schlutz's face now passes from the red end of the spectrum to the purple. solomon schlutz nnnnff! the pipe clatters out of his hand. the hand grabs at his own shirt front. . glufffl. now his head pitches back. his backflung weight and twisting body send his chair tipping over, one hand still clutching at his chest while the other frantically waves. he disappears behind the conference table and lands with a floor-shaking thump. his writhing and gurgling remain audible. sol! sol! don milgram has risen to look down at his fallen colleague; now he flings open the conference room door and bellows into the office: an ambulance! quick! somebody call an ambulance! a what does arthur say? uh-huh. uh-huh. long beat. . does arthur drink? uls-huh. uh-huh. uh-huh. well. the north dakota. well. you'll need a criminal attorney. ron meshbesher. ron is very good. larry's gaze wanders. he becomes wistful. mm. a beat. . i would call ron meshbesher. ron is not cheap. don focuses on larry. cheerful change of subject: . danny's bar mitzvah is. ? this shabbas! great! he nods. . it'll be okay. try to relax, larry. try to relax.