does that matter? is it important? larry shrugs. any news on your tenure? you think. no, i don't know. which is why i ask. ask your father. honey. did you talk to sy? still absent, without looking up: you didn't talk to him. you know the problems you and i have been having. sympathetic, but still absent: well, sy and i have become very close. this brings larry's head up. he focuses on judy, puzzled. she elaborates: in.short: i think it's time to start talking about a divorce. larry stares at her. a long beat. at length, trying to digest: this is not about sy. don't twist my words. we- larry, don't be a child. you haven't "done" anything. i haven't "done" anything. nevertheless, there have been problems. as you know. and things have changed. and then-sy ableman. sy has come into my life. and now- we've known the ablemans for fifteen years. i haven't done anything. this is not some flashy fling. this is not about woopsy-doopsy. larry stares at her. look, i didn't know any other way of breaking it to you. except to tell you. and treat you like an adult. is that so wrong? larry does not seem to be listening. his eyes roam the room as he thinks. what? look. sy feels that we should- esther died three years ago. and it was a loveless marriage. sy wants a gett. this derails the conversation. larry stares, trying to pick up the thread. a ritual divorce. he says it's very important. without a gett i'm an aguna. you always act so surprised. as she leaves: i have begged you to see the rabbi.