such a sweet man though. he tried to tell me about this thing he's working on, this, um. does he go out socially at all? how is judith? sometimes these things just aren't meant to be. and it can take a while before you feel what was always there, for better or worse. then-it's an opportunity to learn how things really are. larry broods. mimi softens. . i'm sorry-i don't mean to sound glib. it's not always easy, deciphering what god is trying to tell you. but it's not something you have to figure out all by your- self. we're jews, we have that well of tradition to draw on, to help us understand. when we're puzzled we have all the have you talked to rabbi nachtner? silence. arthur is climbing the hill from the lake, dripping wet. he projects: why not see him? mel nudell has finished spreading and lighting the coals. he now comes and sits next to mimi, draping an arm over her shoulder. she strokes his hand, still looking at larry. if i knew i'd be the rabbi. he looks at her glumly. she laughs. . life is beautiful, larry. nobody's sick. nobody died. you just need help remembering how to enjoy it. she rests her head against mel's shoulder. . where are the kids?