oh fine. shall we talk larry. larry reacts to the money. good to see you, larry. he is a heavy-set man wearing a short-sleeved shirt that his belly tents out in front of him. in his left hand he holds a bottle of wine. no, actually larry, i'm here to see you, if i might. he shakes his head. . such a thing. such a thing. you know, larry-how we handle ourselves, in this situation-it's so impawtant. absolutely. judith told me that she broke the news to you. she said you were very adult. absolutely. the respect she has for you. absolutely. but the children, larry. the children. he shakes his head. . the most impawtant. of coss. and judith says they're handling it so well. a tribute to you. do you drink wine? because this is an incredible bottle. this is not mogen david. this is a wine, larry. a bawdeaux. open it-let it breathe. ten minutes. letting it breathe, so impawtant. i insist! no reason for discumfit. i'll be uncumftable if you don't take it. these are signs and tokens, larry. larry. how are you. hello judith. thank you for coming, larry. it's so impawtant that we be able to discuss these things. of coss! legal matters, let the lawyers discuss! don't mix apples and oranges! monday is timely! this isn't-please!-embers isn't the forum for legalities, you are so right! no, judith and i thought merely we should discuss the practicalities, the living arrangements, a situation that will conduce to the comfit of all the parties. this is an issue where no one is at odds. larry isn't sure where this is leading: absolutely. i think we all agree, the children not being contaminated by the tension-the most impawtant. no one is playing the "blame game," larry. aw right, well let's just step back, and defuse the situation, a child's bar mitzvah, larry! it makes eminent sense. well, for instance, the jolly roger is quite livable. not expensive, and the rooms are eminently livable. there's convenience in its fava. there's a pool- larry, you're jesting! larry, larry, larry. i think, really, the jolly roger is the appropriate coss of action. he shrugs. it has a pool.