mee yodayah? reuven? rifkah? mah zeh "anakim"? efsheh mashooach ba-avodah? ahnee rotzeh lalechet habait hakisai. mee yodayah? misaviv tamid anachnoo tamid. the clock-watching child, eyelids sinking, is beginning to drool out of one side of his mouth. hamrah oomoh- he interrupts himself briefly to make a couple of phlegm-hawking sounds. he resumes: . hamrah oomoh meshiach oomshel zal? ahnoo ahnoo mah? mah? talmidim? d'vorah? mee yodayah? the bugger-seeker, having succesfully withdrawn a bugger, carefully drapes it over the sharp end of his pencil, to what end we cannot know. danny, apprehensively eyeing the teacher, slides the twenty into the transistor radio's cover-sleeve. nefsheh shelach hamilamid-eh?! the teacher's circuit of the classroom has taken him around behind danny. danny's book lies face-down on the desk, covering the radio, but the white cord snakes out from under it up to his ear. the teacher yanks at the cord.