yes. out in a minute! larry? this brings larry's look up from the mentaculus. we are in larry's office. standing in the office doorway is arlen finkle. out in a minute! judith enters. gimme that fucker. danny passes the joint to ronnie nudell, who sits opposite. dad? f troop is fuzzy. f troop is still fuzzy. larry stares. hello, mr. gopnik, this is dick dutton from the columbia record club. i'm calling because it is now, what, four months and we have yet to receive your first payment. sir, you are lawrence gopnik of 1425 flag avenue south? excuse me? yes you are lawrence gopnik? okay means. okay, well, you received your twelve introductory albums and you have been receiving the monthly main selection for four months now- to receive the monthly main selection you do nothing. yes, that's why you receive the monthly main selection. the last the last one was santana abraxis. you- you request the main selection at the retail price by doing nothing. it is automatically mailed to you. plus shipping and handling. you're about to- you're about to get cosmo's factory, sir. the june main selection. and you haven't- i'm sorry sir. are you okay? okay. good. well, you had fourteen days to listen to santana abraxis and return it if you weren't completely satisfied. you did nothing. and now you- sir. please. we can't make you listen to the record. we- sy ableman was a serious man! larry? he looks up, startled. arlen finkle stands in the doorway. . as you know, the tenure committee meets-are you all right? larry sits frozen with the white envelope in his hands. good shot! larry looks wildly around. he sees: gar brandt and mitch in their camo fatigues, hard to pick out in the foliage. they are looking off toward the canoe, mitch just lowering his rifle. gar brandt's look swings around, into the lens. he points at us: there's another jew, son. ya'amod hab'rayshit. nefesh echad sheichayim, yitzeh gamor shel effashot. danny is still staring at the end of the yad against the parchment scroll. someone's hand enters and moves the yad to a different place in the text. the voice repeats: . nefesh echad sheichayim, yitzeh gamor shel effashot. danny looks up from the scrolls. in the congregation ronnie nudell sits hunched-shouldered and squished between his parents. he returns danny's red-rimmed slack-jawed stare. the insistent voice: . nefesh echad shelchayim, yitzeh gamor shel effashot. danny looks over. from the surrounding scrum the prompter nods at him. he looks somewhat like cantor youssele rosenblatt. larry? hi, len shapiro.