look at these stiff dicks. a free meal and they come out like flies. you're a father now. are you gonna take me up on my offer? look at this face! six-foot-four, pretty as the statue of david. and he's a cop! branca laughs. from a distance, watanabe watches, missing nothing. across the porch, lukich and several other cops observe and try to listen. this face should be sticking up from a white shirt. it should be a banker, a businessman, someone who earns a decent living for his family! same thing. she wants a husband who carries a briefcase, not a shoulder holster. jackson watches nico trying to keep his good humor. this is serious stuff, despite the light tone. branca's eyes meet nico's. you wanted to get shot, you got shot. you wanted to get knifed, you got knifed. you've had your fun. basta! enough! my sister's cousin's place. you're safe -- not even i can find this joint. the family enters the back room. they take in their sanctuary. jesus christ! lukich called. she's not dead. she's gonna make it. she was wearing a vest. nico can't believe it. in spite of it all, life comes to him. a little smile. it was picked up with your mail this afternoon. don't worry, they're booked on an early plane. they'll be out of the country tomorrow. he's fine. the boy has ribs of steel! leave them. leave them alone. you got the architect's drawings? wiring, floor plans -- nico indicates a briefcase he is carrying. i could help you from here on. take care of yourself, nicola. cut to: