i am only an old man. an old man with a cancer. the two are like an old and a young lion, appraising each other -- using all five senses and more. i will be candid with you. i knew, probably before you did, that you would be coming to me. i knew what you would ask. and i had every intention of refusing you. but it is a form of wisdom to know when to cease relying only upon yourself. you know, of course, that this senator harrison will never live to make his speech tomorrow. you know, too, that as long as this man. this torturer -- -- as long as this zagon lives, nothing i can do will guarantee your family's safety. 'ecce non uomine, ecce bestie.' you know dante? 'these are not men, these are animals.' memorize this address. have you got it in your mind? nico nods. larusso tears the paper into tiny shreds. * thank you, mr. carlucci. i trust you will give my love to my niece, rosa.