eight more days, lieutenant. you better start preparing your defense. look at this little bundle. what a cupcake! unit ten tango x-ray. we're up and clear. and then you're gonna come visit me in a nice, clean, air conditioned office -- it's okay, girl. mama jax is here. that was some leak you took. from the door of the bar, several bloodied heads peek. broken windows and lost pussy cats, huh. jackson checks out her battered partner. you're one crazy bastard, toscani. nico opens the rear door, helps jackson ease lucy in. i don't get you, toscani. what the hell are you doing being a shitheel cop? with your background? for a long moment nico says nothing. then, quietly, look- ing straight ahead: why can't you sons-a-bitches ever treat someone with a little respect? i ain't your goddamn sister. we ain't got the same mother, motherfucka. carla fires one final parting salvo of obscenities, then sags back among the women. carla starts to cry. jackson comforts her; carla responds, lets herself be comforted. cut to: the lawyer's name is abandano. he's on the third floor. i got a look at him. i couldn't get how he's connected, but according to carla, he's a lousy lay. that's our stud. toscani, you're going to have me doing time. except against us. i thought you said you were gonna protect me. cover my butt. be my guardian angel -- nico hears something through the earphones. gestures for silence -- what? what's he saying? salvano? gimme something stiff. i need it. why couldn't it be a week from tuesday? i could read about it in the paper. nico grabs her waist, pulls her onto the dance floor, and does a playful twirl. you missed a few spots, boys. '. and so i quit the police department. got myself a steady job -- ' the van accelerates slightly, turns a corner, vanishes. silence. lukich * they spotted me. i'm too good- looking to be a meat slopper. * he has ethics. unlike certain others on this case. you don't wanna catch him without no gun. halloran's look asks why not? 'cause what he do with his hands. make bullet holes look pretty. bad bad. is that enough? can we do something normal now -- like eat lunch? let it be, nico. what. you kept his tape, too? nico already has it in the player. we hear fragments of the telephone tap from the body shop in spanish and english. jackson looks frustrated. nico listens care- fully to what appears to be the taped phone conversation. this is your mother's church, isn't it? dolores jackson nico, we gotta go -- i didn't know this church was a sanctuary, father. we can have a car check by, every hour. amen. nico and jackson start off. right. where are you gonna be? -- i found the sanctuary people. they're refugees from el salvador, guatemala, chile. they won't talk * to me, they're terrified of cops. ready for this? one of the people killed at the church was definitely not a congregation member. alan singletary. he's an aide to senator harrison. nico is electrified. that's right. harrison. foreign relations committee. the guy who's been crawling all over the central american drug connections. i've been at the tribune all night, wearing out their xerox machine. harrison's staff has been compiling some kind of white paper. he's due to release it next week. nico's mind races. what? you see this list? well, i'm not done. i'm not a rookie, toscani. now, go home. get your family out of here. nico agrees. the pair starts to split. jackson. whoever the voice is , it makes jackson forget the documents. -- yes. yes, of course, sister, i know who you are. -- where. where are you? the nun phoned me. she said two men had been sneaking around the church. she sounded scared -- there's more. i got the papers from that senator's aide's apartment. everything harrison's been working on. it's all at my place. cut to: you call nico's goddamn uncle and find out if he's heard anything.