these assholes are agency? we've been over for the past hour. the group continues along the ridge. why don't you light a bonfire? i don't trust these yo-yo's. what the fuck does this have to do with military intelligence? fox -- i don't cap him now, he's gonna do me later. i think we got a little problem here. that's what you get for not marrying a sicilian. sara lets nico struggle a moment, then takes over. * you give up being the d.a. and hurry up and find the right fella, jax. you might have time for one of these yourself. watanabe! say hey, doc. i'm happy, branca. i like what i do. branca glances seriously to the other uncles, then, with a smile, pats nico's cheek. we're happy. an art gallery. uncle gio, that kind of help i don't need. i'd rather get shot by someone i don't know. jackson and lukich crack up. the others follow. for the moment, the tension is dispelled. what are you doing in here, mama? go join the party. nico comes down the hall, tucking in his shirt -- stops to give his mother a squeeze. o.s. from the bedroom: the sound of quiet sobbing. nico glances in. 46 int. nursery - day * sara and another woman sit on the bed, comforting a 60-ish * grandmother zingaro, who is crying. nico comes in. he kneels before mrs. zingaro, concerned. mrs. z. is this a way to act on the day of my son's baptism? the poor woman can't meet nico's eyes. it's that kid from the bar on damen? the one with the drugs? listen to me, mrs. z. are you listening? i have to go to work now. but i'll come by tonight. you'll be at the bakery? we'll talk, okay? we'll find a way to take care of this. i promised the lieutenant, i'm gonna take care of you. broken windows and lost kittens for your last week. widen shot to include nico and jackson. i gotta take a quick leak. stay put. gentlemen. one jacket treats him like he doesn't exist, and begins to pick his nose. you seen this girl? that's witty. come on. show me something. no one moves. i get it. it's a gay bar. is that it? you seen the top of her head, huh? like i seen your mother's -- or was it yours? or yours? i couldn't tell, it looked like her ass -- nico rages like a beast. come on, motherfuckers. do it. do it! one man -- nico lunges for the bad dude, grabs him like he's about to tear his face off -- you cocksuckers are brave enough with 14-year-old girls. get outta here. we look in the apartment. this ain't your day, kid. that's two years. he jerks the pimp back, rips open a drawer. more pills and glacene bags. that's four. she'll get you eight more. and i'm just warming up -- lucy is crying hysterically. nico flings the pimp, face * bloody, toward the open door. * get your clothes on, lucy. not when i get through with him. nico lifts the pimp by the throat, pins him to the wall. shipment, my ass. what lawyer? we'll get her some clothes and a bath. i'm not bringing her home to her grandmother like this. dissolve to: when i was overseas, i saw some things. things that eat your guts out. things that stay in front of your eyes like they were burned in and branded. he turns to jackson. you can walk away from them, jax. you can quit, but you know it's still going on. you try something anyway -- -- i know i'm not going to change the world. i can't stop the tonnage coming in, i can't fight the boys behind the desks pushing their buttons -- but maybe here, huh? maybe in my own city, my own neighborhood, on my own block -- maybe here i can do something. that's why i'm a shitheel cop. carla. carla -- i just want the name of your boyfriend -- take it easy, sister. maybe we can bust him for that. jackson spots something, gestures subtly out window -- lighten up, jax. no one's bringing this into court. i don't give a shit how we do it. i just wanna get there. jackson gives nico a dirty look, but stifles her protest. i got the shipment. * '. engine block has cleared customs. serial number va-748. pick up tuesday, 3 may as authorized.' unit ten tango x-ray. i need a vehicle registration i.d. '86 lincoln. illinois 354 dog '67. * i want to know when he wipes his * behind. * jackpot. two for drinks. they elbow up to the packed bar, standing. nico squints toward the rear dining room. you'll have your engine block next tuesday, boss. cheer up, partner. i'm gonna make you famous. don't you like company, luke? we got all the scouts here -- drug enforcement agency, the alcohol, tobacco and firearms -- this is our channel, dickhead. and our collar. here we go, boys and girls -- you stay put. * it's going down now. move! how many kilos you got in there, skivuzo? salvano couldn't answer if he wanted to. the other cops look at nico with awe. lukich whips the van door open, yanks a tarp off the cargo. what kinda fuckin' high is this? cut to: sir. with all respect to our brothers in the bureau -- * -- that's no answer. it's no answer to why one of the biggest dealers in the city is out on the street now, free as a bird! that's my lawrence welk collection! anything you say, jax. how about salvano's? poetry, ain't it? 140 ext. rear salvano's restaurant - day and now for some dessert. and that must be mrs. sal. so nice to see married couples still in love. yeah. but i bet she's never seen these boys in the choir. father genarro. the priest seizes nico's hand warmly, smiles at jackson. when did this happen? how long have they been here? who did it, father? really, i don't mind coming by. i'm a married man, father. i've got no sins to confess. help each other move outside. be calm. call 911. tell 'em to send everything they got! sara, get the baby and mama * outside. nico starts for the altar where the damage is worst. i want a list of everyone that's been treated here today. everyone. then find those sanctuary people, the ones we saw in the church basement -- as jackson makes notes. find out where they're from, why anyone would want to harm them. just stay near a radio. i'll find you. sara. go down to the car; i'll * be with you in a minute. he hails neeley. * i need to talk to you. . alone. neeley nods. nico leads him off the corridor, through a * fire exit door -- you. that's what the hell it is! agent neeley * get your goddam hands off me! neeley tries to shake free; nico won't let him. * you let salvano walk. agent neeley * salvano?! are you crazy? what does he have to do with this? that was no cherry bomb in there. that was c-fucking-4! i've used that shit. i know what it smells like, i know what it blows like -- i tailed salvano. two days ago. him and one of his apes were in that church -- and they weren't taking communion. i saw some broad saw who was with his lawyer plant the bomb. now i want some goddamn answers. agent neeley * you tailed him? after i ordered you off? where is he? where's salvano? agent neeley * my orders were release him. not babysit him. neeley brushes nico's fingermarks off his lapels. * agent neeley * you think you're rough stuff, toscani -- martial arts hero, chop suey crap. well i'll tell you something: you're not bullet- proof. you're not even a good cop. you sneak around, playing your street dick games. but all you come up with is conjecture, wild coincidence and bullshit. i want the agent who signed for the explosives. bank on it, pal. who put up the money? you didn't come after me for a piece of ass. who paid you? shut up! the girls instantly go silent in terror. nico turns back to machete man, spins him violently face-down, jacking the punk's right arm straight out behind him. we see that nico can break his elbow with one blow. give it to me! nico raises his fist to strike. if you're lying to me, i'll come and kill you right in your own fucking kitchen. gracias, muchacho. nico walks away. of course i will. i've been waiting to hear from jax. she was supposed to get back to me by now. i'm willing to break the rules; i'm willing to tell you whatever i know. but i need some time. could you just give me some time? nico leans to kiss her, but is cut off by the harsh ring of a phone. sara starts at the sound. she and nico glance at each other -- this better be good, jax. long time, nelson. it's okay, sweetheart -- -- you know what a crazy bastard fox is. he gets drunk and forgets he's halfway around the world. he calls me. nico gives her a squeeze and a smile. he just wanted to make sure we got his christmas card. it's a little early for breakfast, o'hara. no, you won't. i'm gonna give it to you. it's all right, darling. it's all a mistake, sara -- it's * gonna be all right. the cops steer nico toward the door. when were you born, asshole? agent neeley * associating with known felons. disobeying direct orders -- where's jackson? you'll never build a frame on this chickenshit. agent neeley * you were ordered to back off on salvano. but you had too big a hard-on for that, didn't you-- fred. you can't be in on this. nico faces his lieutenant -- a look that calls on long * years of comradeship and loyalty. strozah is torn. he's a good man, over his head in a situation he doesn't com- pletely understand. lieutenant strozah * you're officially suspended, toscani. i want your tin. and your iron. neeley leans past nico; drops nico's gun onto the table. nico looks to strozah, who averts his eyes. nico flips his badge onto the table. you holding me? sara, i'm okay. i love you. * i'll be home later. lukich will * be there. tell mama not to worry. jackson and lukich are waiting by nico's car. they see nico emerge from the phone booth. you're gonna make a helluva d.a., jax. that's how fox knew. luke. i want you to go to my house. call branca. my mother has the number. get my family ready to move out. stay with 'em. we'll be there. i got a call last night. an old agency friend. he told me my family was in danger. jax and lukich can't put all the pieces together yet. but if it's drugs-cia-senate, it's got to be heavy. sister. you know me. tell them there's no need for fear. i was there. in the church. they tried to kill my family, too. several of the refugees look like they want to speak, but they are terrified. i know there was a man here, from an american senator's office. who was he going to speak to? the refugees become increasingly anxious. was it you, senora? was it you? more silence. glances among the people. finally: who? father genarro? but the bomb. the bomb was planted to destroy the pulpit. it was father tomassino they were trying to kill. where is tomassino? where is he now? the nun shakes her head. nico looks to the refugees. they don't know, either. if you know where he is, you've got to tell me. i want to help him. i can help him. the refugees lower their eyes. bonifacia continues her soft weeping. nico glances to jackson; her look says "enough, let's leave these poor people alone." nico stands, touches bonifacia one more time on the shoulder -- you're outa this, jax. go home. just paperwork, you understand? over here, you sons-a-bitches! nico's rage is superhuman. the men stare in conster- nation. one of the men has a fresh magazine half into his weapon -- try it. be my guest. over there! move it! -- now!! the men are scared shitless. they put their hands in back of their heads; trot jelly-legged -- hands on the counter! three men do it; the fourth is slow. don't tempt me, asshole -- the fourth obeys. nico moves to the pay phone on the wall, covering the men with his .45. he grabs the re- * ceiver in his free hand; tries to dial. adrenaline makes his hand shake; the dials spin wrong -- one of the men sees nico's dilemma. to hit 911, nico has to take his eye momentarily off his captives. as nico turns again to the dial -- a free-standing sales display hurtles toward him, crashing into his gun hand. one of the men has lunged into the display; now he dives atop nico a second later. the whole human pile crashes, thundering into a glass freezer. somehow nico gets to his feet. one of the men grabs nico's gun; nico swings one of the freezer doors -- wham! -- smack into the man's face. the glass shatters; the man drops like a rock. now it's three against one -- prime odds for nico. he wades into his attackers. a coffee stand goes flying. a body sails into a makeup display. one fool is lucky enough to land a blow that bloodies nico's nose; he pays with a shattered forearm and a head-first heave into an ice cream locker -- get their stuff into the car now. do it in the alley, not the driveway. i'll be there in five minutes. cut to: sara. * you'll be safe with uncle branca. it's gotta be this way. i'm sorry. don't you think i'd rather be with you? he holds her passionately. rosa coughs loudly in the doorway. i am if you are. sara * don't worry -- we needed a vacation, anyway. sara takes her suitcase, hurries out -- * * i'll give you five minutes start. we have to do it this way. they get their suitcases into the sedan. mama and the baby are already aboard. sara gets into the passenger seat. * lukich comes around from the front, glancing around like a lookout. where's jax? they killed the wrong priest. lukich doesn't understand. there was a second priest. from costa rica. hiding at the church. he was the one they meant to kill. nico starts to remove a large piece of ducting from the basement heater. no. just stay with my family nico replaces the piece of foundation, starts back up the steps. you don't want to know. don't forget your seat belt. keep walking -- -- i'm bucking for number one. when? who? who took it? dump your shoes. ditch your i.d. on the floor. nico watches the fbi man obey. so you think i'm a lousy cop, huh, neeley? maybe i am. but i haven't got * my face buried up washington's ass. agent neeley * nobody buys me, toscani. yeah? then somebody pulled the plug on your brain, pal. you didn't come up with the second priest, did you? or harrison's dead aide. hurry up! * you heard the radio. the agency's pushing buttons and bodies are dropping like flies. you assholes are missing half the case! watch your step. listen, wat. you know i wouldn't call in a favor -- the old spook. cut away to: it's a start. nico sits down beside watanabe. dissolve to: fox has had a helluva career. '69 to '76, cambodia, laos. operation phoenix. operation green mountain. operaton northstar. this is all vang pao, it's all heroin -- run personnel retrievals on all these operations. i want the names of every company man who was on them. altshuler. cosgrove. i know half these guys -- okay. now run me an update. where are these fuckers now? quick dissolve to: thirty names from secret drug operations. and two-thirds of 'em are in central america. all right. run these two names: bautista salvano and ramon 'chi chi' testamente. where's fox's printout? 1976. fort benning. he recruited these pricks! dissolve to: fox is here, in chicago. or was here. . listen. can this thing tap into airlines? reservations records -- five agents from central american desk. all trained assassins. all arrived in chicago in the last week -- and none of them has left. nico grabs his coat, gulps a last swallow of coffee -- thanks, wat. you finally may have done some good for your country. to find a priest. how did ya find him? you're our backup. if we come out running, then you can shoot. nico's eyes meet his partner's. it's plain he'll break her leg if he has to, to keep her safe by the car. jackson accepts this reluctantly. go! go! -- simultaneously firing back through the kicked-in door, emptying his gun. -- had to be a hero. another fucking hero. i'm sorry jax. he reaches for a small calendar, looks at it. -- senator. -- -- dumb fuck. think they're gonna let you put 'em outta business -- the motherfuckas got jackson. that broad didn't trust me. cut to: ever notice how clean babies smell? like nothing in the world has touched them yet. don't push me like this -- her eyes meet his -- loving, but desperate. you don't know what the hell you're talking about. you know i can't go to him. sara takes both his hands in hers. i don't have much time, uncle. so i must speak plainly. larusso listens. nico waits for a beat. then: -- for as long as i've been old enough to think, i've hated you and hated everything you stood for. larusso takes this in without a flicker. i was so sure that you and i were on opposite sides of the fence. and that you and your people were destroying this country -- nico pauses, glances away across the grounds. -- the most painful realization of my life was that the people i worked for and you are not far apart. -- and there's not much difference between what you are and what i was. larusso studies nico a long moment. then takes nico's elbow. * * 347 omitted * kurt zagon. i will do that, mr. larusso. i hope you will be well. it's all here. nico turns to his uncle. regards him with affection. it's not your business. grazie, tio caro. branca pats nico's cheek. that wasn't the plan, nelson. i was thinking of a mine on the roof. remote-triggered, when the chopper comes in. you're looking fit, nelson. your own tailor? you've gone a long way. fox motions for nico to dump his gun; nico complies, dropping it gently into the briefcase. nico takes half a step toward fox. fox shakes his head in warning. fox the fixer. is that what zagon is? one of your basement boys? bought with what -- opium from cambodia? which he funnels here through salvano. with the company getting its cut. still dodging appropriations committees, eh, nelson? the senator couldn't be bought, could he? he was gonna blow the lid off, so you cleared zagon to frost him -- but the priest found out somehow and ran here. you couldn't do the senator's number 'till you knew if the priest had talked. so zagon flew in with his little medical bag. only by then i was in on it -- and you thought i might recognize his handiwork. you got it off the arrest sheet. only i was too dumb to crack it. i was so busy trying to figure a code, i didn't even recognize zagon's voice. it's all crystal clear to nico now. so we kill our own senators now. are we the romans? doing what -- processing heroin? fuck you. you know, fox, right now in israel they're trying some 80-year-old camp guard for war crimes. and all around our country there are guys on death row for killing one person, two people. and probably they all deserve it -- he takes a step toward fox. fox's hand tightens on his gun. -- but you and i know a couple guys personally who are responsible for the murder of at least what. 60,000 non- military personnel. viet. lao. thai. cambodian. librarians, teachers, doctors. women, children. and that's just a sliver of it. fox tries to maintain a hard face. but his own guilty conscience is working -- we've wiped out entire fucking countries. and not one agent -- -- not one c.i.a. agent has ever been tried or convicted, much less accused of any crimes. you motherfuckers think you're above the law -- well, you ain't above mine. nico holds himself, trembling with intensity. at that moment -- o.s. from the garage entrance ramp: the squeal of approaching tires. nico and fox turn to see -- *note* 4-17-87. the following sequence will be well. well. what a team we have here. thanks for the help, fox. how are you gonna do him, zagon? in a motorcade? or passing through a hotel kitchen? the noose agent jerks his cable tight, making nico gag and choke. zagon motions to slacken off. he stops at a small table before nico -- unrolls a well-worn felt pouch. zagon watches nico's reaction as the tools of the inter- rogator's trade come into view -- drug vials, syringes, scalpels, surgical tools. long enough to finish you. sweating, half-spitting, zagon slashes at nico like an animal -- nico traps the knife, and enters, smashes zagon in the face with one lightning blow. we see zagon's nose and face completely cave in. nico comes under zagon's elbow, the arm that still holds the knife clamping it in a vise-like grip and bending it backwards, slowly, against the joint -- which now starts to rip in half. zagon is screaming and cursing, writhing in agony -- the drugs have hit nico full force now. he's weakening, his eyes are starting to roll. zagon tries one last surge of strength to save himself; it almost seems he'll wriggle free when: the elbow joint snaps in half with a sicken- ing sound. your honor. the judge nods to his stenographer, who swiftly sets up her equipment, takes a seat. rosa makes a face at branca, who rises, clearing a seat for the judge. sara moves * in tight beside nico. if you're ready to listen, i'm ready to talk.