wait, man. it ain't like it looks -- take it, baby. it's all yours -- there's money. three grand in the mattress. . i can get ya more -- no, man, wait! i'll give you something! something big! it's huge! i swear it! a shipment. coming in next tuesday -- this is square! on my mother's soul! you can't send me up -- nico glances to lucy. half of him wants to tear the pimp apart, the other half doesn't want to make the poor girl's life any more tragic. besides, he's a good cop -- and maybe this "shipment" is on the level. i heard it from a hooker friend of mine. she's banging some big coke lawyer, he told her. i swear to jesus! i don't know. that platinum chola. carla decarlo. she knows. nico tightens his grip on the pimp's throat. she got popped this afternoon. she's downtown. red dress, lizard shoes --