so good to see you again, sir! come back near closing. five- thirty. we'll place your order then. nico nods, fades like a shadow into the throng. music down, sequence ends -- emerges with nico from behind a booth divider, leads her * old friend at a brisk pace across the deserted floor. of course not. just because you kept a few 'friendly' tribesmen from cutting my heart out and serving it up as pad thai? with a wink, watanabe escorts nico into a back area off the floor. carpeted office dividers set off a small area, packed with super sophisticated computer equipment. the last six years i've been risking nothing but money. it's a kick to risk my ass again. -- no way to access covert ops directly. but ornstein's at princeton, he's got a database bigger than langley -- if i can't crack that turkey's code, it's time to hang up my rock and roll shoes -- nico watches watanabe work. -- ah, here! here's a little trap door. let's see if we can wriggle up into -- personnel files! operative dossiers. will that do? you friend has found his metier. central american desk. central american desk. central -- those street dealers you were talking about? they're not gonna be in here. nico gives her a look. watanabe starts punching keys. * well, kiss my ass. both former somoza secret police. recruited by agency, 1975. trained fort benning, counter insurgency. there's nothing left, nico. we've wrung these files dry. i can get you the ball scores, too. dissolve to: where are you going?