how long till we're across the border? what are you looking at, hotshot? just drive the taxi, ace. that's the nice thing about modern technology. you don't have to wait for results. where is it, charley? you got six tons of our shit -- the prisoner tries to speak, but he's in such torment all that comes out is a blood-curdling wail -- don't you die on me, fucker -- this pussy can't hold his liquor. so my little doctor bag doesn't * scare you, eh? well i don't need * it to open your yap. * zagon reaches to a scabbard on his western belt, pulls out a fearsome serrated blade -- a cross between a bowie knife and a scalpel. he steps toward the prisoner, displaying the blade in the lantern light. where's our load, you sack of slime? what did you do with my shit? -- i'm gonna teach you good. i'm gonna teach you never to fuck with my opium -- you're a hard nigger, aren't you, boy? you took it from the chinks. you took it from the french. you'll be fucked if some yankee peckerwood's gonna start your gums flapping -- nico watches zagon move the knife blade closer to the prisoner. -- well, you're gonna chirp for me, tough guy. you're gonna sing like a choir -- your orders are 'assist and observe' cherry -- zagon turns to face nico -- i'm gonna start carving at your ankles. we'll throw your feet in that box right over there. then i'm gonna take off your arms -- one of the cit men yanks the prisoner's leg forward, clamping it to the ground with his hands. the prisoner still hasn't flinched. he seems as locked into this dance of death as zagon. you can disappear as easy as this slope, kid -- you'll be in heaven in a few minutes, padre. but first i'm going to put you through hell. you came here to talk to the * senator's aide, didn't you? * who told you about our plans? * you wouldn't lie to me, father? it's a sin. if you spoke to anyone, tell me now -- -- and i won't have to use this. speak to me, father -- who did you tell? i want to know who you told. -- tell me the truth, father -- the priest's eyes roll grotesquely; he convulses, sweat beading on his forehead. he looks like a man in the agonies of some narcotic hell. -- can we kill him? if you told anyone, about our plans to kill the senator, we cannot do it. get him! finish him! now! nico bolts for the stairwell to the roof, clawing for a new clip as he goes. salvano and zagon burst into the hallway, shooting at nico. we've been looking for you, nelson. i see you've found our friend. have you two been sharing fond memories? reminiscing about the good old days? bring in our friend, nelson. salvano's muzzle covers fox and nico -- be a good boy -- move! nico springs from cover, firing, trying to bolt down the garage ramp, toward the lower levels. his path puts the first agent directly in zagon's line of fire. zagon doesn't hesitate; he opens up on nico, cutting down his own man -- salvano has gotten to his feet, wounded, but still handling his gun. he joins zagon, rushing forward -- no! i want him! i want him alive! 402 ext. midland hotel - night * all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. we've got an hour before the honorable senator. you've got to learn to take time, smell the roses. i've used these little beauties many times to extract information -- -- this'll be the first time i've ever used them. just for fun. take his arms. pistol agent and bad dude move in, one on each side, * seizing nico's forearms. shotgun agent holds his weapon tight to nico's head. hold him up! pistol agent and bad dude lift nico. zagon slams him again. again. nico's cheekbone is broken; blood drains from his nose. zagon aims a two-handed blow; backhands nico, crushing the other side of his face! zagon backs off, chest heaving. pistol agent and bad dude plop nico back in the chair, gagging, choked by the noose. nico looks like the viet prisoner -- the one we saw in the opening sequence. like the prisoner, nico takes his beating -- still conscious, still meeting zagon's eyes with defiance. this is where you came in, toscani. only, now it's where you're gonna check out. he takes off his glove, grabs the syringe. pistol agent and bad dude clamp nico's right arm down tight. zagon injects nico. that's it. fight it, cherry. fight it, so it speeds faster on its way -- nico struggles more violently. fight it. till the vessels burst in your brain. till the arteries rupture in your heart -- that's my boy. that's what i was waiting for -- zagon produces his famous knife. he motions pistol agent and bad dude to release nico's arms. noose agent slackens his grip on the choke cable. zagon moves in closer, gloating, cooing -- a fool learns from his own mistakes. but a wise man learns from the mistakes of others -- you should have killed me when you had the chance, toscani -- can you feel the chemicals, cherry? you can't fight 'em much longer --