no choice in the matter. jesus, tim, what did we do? nothing we haven't heard before. maybe i should call the police now. probably not a good idea. i'm no gynecologist. what? shit! -- everybody shut up, all right? oh boy. -- the man is a thief -- a thief who witnessed a murder -- -- it looks like he stole a whole bunch of money -- i'll tell you what he's going to do. he's going to run like hell. yes, sir. many times. bill burton, hi -- -- i know you must be going crazy -- but the boss is very interested in your progress. maybe we can help each other. you know how close he and sullivan are? the minute anything breaks, if you'd call me, i'd tell the president. that way, he'd be the first to alert mr. sullivan -- it would mean a lot to him. and any red tape you want cut -- done. here are my numbers. leads? -- i loved playing sherlock holmes. i was state trooper here ten years ago before the government got me. i was younger and dumber then. keep in touch. -- he doesn't want money -- no, i just looked on the back -- -- see? -- like you handled the letter opener? miss russell, i should have called the police that night. but i was weak. you convinced me to stay silent. i regret that. know this: every time i see your face i want to rip your throat out. nothing -- because he's making a terrible mistake, he thinks he has time -- he doesn't -- seth frank's too good. he'll bring him in. the boss is very grateful. thanks. unfuckingbelievable. what are you doing? there's pens -- -- you don't trust me? -- i talked to seth frank -- apparently whitney learned how in prison. he'll make a mistake. you're sure you want to do that?