i never do. redhead. my only failing. bad night. kate. kate. probably too late for me to take it up. the jogging. dumb way to start this, i guess. wanted to talk to you. believe it or not, the weather. nights are starting to get cold. i was thinking of maybe relocating. someplace with a kinder climate. i just wanted to check it out with you first. . you're the only family i've got. kate -- this move -- i'm talking permanent, you understand. -- no -- -- no -- you mean i've got a weak face. thanks, val. four should cover it. they're good. beards and mustaches, too. it may come to that. europe's fine. maybe the caribbean for winters. when can i pick up? thanks, val. i've always been able to count on you. what? finish it. five years doesn't sound so bad to me just now. boy, you must be smart. usually takes a week for you guys to get to me. you look just like your picture, seth. i'm luther whitney. so, do you want my confession now or after coffee? watched the bullets game with red bransford. prison buddy of mine -- runs a bar -- want to question me about the game? i'm probably lying. i love true crime -- i wish it was true. your robber actually went in the front door but came out down a rope in the dark in the middle of the night? if only i could do stuff like that -- i'd be the star of my a.a.r.p. meetings. you want me to help solve your case? older fella. like me. need patience. the secret is just research, research, research -- from everything i've read. well, from what i can tell on the tube, it's not a small house. there had to be an architect, right? you'd be able to tell which one from public records in the library. and once you know the office, you could break in and find the plans and xerox them, get them back before morning. seth -- breaking in isn't hard -- what's hard is breaking in so no one knows you've been there. now, after the architect, next you'd want the contractor's office -- and the security company's office. you know the skill involved breaking the security of a security company? i wonder how those guys do it? papers said he kept the money in a vault, yes? well, i'm guessing there was probably some secret way to open it -- -- explain -- -- amazing -- -- must have been a lot of money inside. the way you said it -- as if you were trying to surprise me. there you go. seth, you've got to get with the program you expect to catch this guy -- most likely it is a guy, am i right? some kind of weird loner? i'm the perfect prototype. but you see any face often enough, you'll start putting things together. that's why these top guys disguise themselves. i read a great article a couple of years back -- damn, i wish i could remember where -- anyway, it was about these makeup experts some of them use -- wigmakers, people like that. i'd love that but i'm late as it is -- got to get my pacemaker checked. -- all this excitement, you understand. tomorrow is promised to no one. not 'til morning? -- i'll be by early -- katie darling, you've gotta try real food sometime. turn that off, okay? put it back on. do it -- you -- heartless -- prick -- -- you -- fucking -- bastard -- i'm not running -- not from you. i'm going to bring you down. this guy sure has the guts of a burglar. wish we had him. i need to look really good today. you got that right. i did not kill that woman, kate. you're not the first. you have to know i'm not a murderer. my daughter wanted to see me. the robbery went fine 'til they came in. they were drunk. i hid in the vault. sex got rough. he was going to kill christy, but she turned the tables, was going to kill him. two guys came in, shot her dead. probably only one of them. i think walter sullivan might have hired the other. not as powerful as the president of the united states. richmond was drunk. the two guys are secret service. chief of staff russell planned the coverup. every word true. because i swear on mattie's grave. on your mother's grave, kate -- you know i'd kill myself before i'd lie about that. i know. i know. i was set to. at the airport. all the money i'd ever need. but i saw that bastard using * sullivan on the t.v. -- maybe i couldn't have saved that woman, kate. but i didn't even try. i know what you think of me and i know what we've been to each other -- -- haven't been to each other. and it's not the time to try and explain my life -- -- but i've never robbed anyone couldn't afford it and i've never stiffed a waitress. and alan richmond has to pay. not much, maybe -- but i only went to jail when i had partners. people betray each other, kate -- nowadays, when there's a group, someone wants to write a book -- -- these people hate each other. and if i can drive them just a little bit nuts, who knows how they'll react under pressure? glad for the talk, wish we'd had more. this is probably it; you understand that. i was never going to tell you this, but i watched you argue a case last year -- thank god you got your brains from your mother. it always is -- -- and i may not make you proud, kate -- -- but i'm not going down alone. i trust you. kate okay? i'm not staying on long enough for you to track this, just answer me. kate? scream. go on. which do you want most, for me to kill you or life in jail forever? going to guess this wasn't to pep her up. why do you think that? that's because you didn't know your crime, prick. i didn't mind you tried to shoot me at the restaurant -- i wouldn't have minded if you'd nailed me at sullivan's -- part of the job -- -- but you fucked with blood. i'm fresh out. go to sleep, honey. i need one answer -- when you interviewed walter sullivan, did he say why christy didn't go to barbados? so will you -- check your phones -- luther, sir. i know the way, sir -- i'm the man who robbed you -- -- and you're the man who tried to have me killed -- you want to believe that, don't you? -- makes your life a lot simpler if you believe that, isn't that right? what do you think i gain being here? i don't need your money, mr. sullivan. look in your vault lately? shit's coming down tonight, mr. sullivan, do you want to be a player or not? do you want to know what happened, or not? i saw. your call. are you up to hearing about it? -- do you want to hear how he beat the shit out of her and tried to strangle her -- you have enough left for that? -- i was in the chair when they came in. they were drunk -- at first he only wanted to bruise her -- she fought back, he went for the kill -- she turned the tables. then he screamed for help. secret service shot her. gloria russell handled the cover up. -- don't you want to know who the man was? we're too old to bullshit each other, mr. sullivan. you know! you fucking well do, don't shake your head at me -- when you're alone at night, when the rage takes you and you think of what you'd do to revenge her, on those nights you put a face to your enemy. -- we're going all the way, walter -- it sure is. the press conference -- remember? -- he held you in his arms and said if only christy hadn't gotten sick she would have been with you * in barbados -- * -- how do you think he knew she was sick? you didn't tell anybody. but he heard it, all right. he heard it from her. that night. and i heard every word -- and this? i did steal it. but that isn't my blood and those aren't my prints. haven't budged. he was just checking in. when you're up to it, he said we might come over for dinner. he * mentioned -- * watch it now. you were forever catching colds. we'll be fine.