you little whore -- kill her? don'. 'member. gloria -- i killed her -- but she's dead. take a walk with me. tell me about walter -- how is he? he understands officially my hands are tied? any news of the killer? well, why isn't there? who's in charge of the case? no one understands how i feel -- i'm supposed to have all this power but i can't help my oldest friend -- you know and i know that more than any man alive walter sullivan put me here -- and now when he most needs me, he must feel abandoned. -- i'll hold a press conference -- and i'll have walter come -- and i will embrace him before the world. damn tennis elbow is killing me. this thing's worse, gloria. i need to see a doctor. what happened to my right to privacy? i think she nicked a tendon. -- when did you become such an expert, bill? -- ever been wounded? -- of course i am -- walter's been like a father to me. i think mrs. richmond's mission to help the poor in asia should not be interrupted. we know anything yet? we're not dealing with a fool here. has he initiated contact? i agree. sorry about my behavior -- won't happen again; think of it as a blip on the screen. and as far as i'm concerned, so is he. he saw nothing -- a drunk woman who liked rough sex too much. and he's a burglar. who's going to believe him? after all, it's not as if he had evidence or anything. what happened to my right to privacy? i think she nicked a tendon. i am having this press conference here because. it is here, at this courthouse, * that christine sullivan's killer will be tried for his crime. as you know, i came from an impoverished family in an impoverished town -- but we lived with our doors unlocked. we all lock our doors now, but that is not what concerns me. we are also locking our hearts. that is the sadness, that is the loss. we are locking our hearts to the cries of the weary, we are locking our hearts to the poor and their pain. sisters and brothers, we are locking our hearts to ourselves. we feel savagery and violence must be allowed a place at table. that is wrong. that is not america. i shall fight that battle. dear friend, old friend, we shall fight that battle. who can explain the ways of chance? if we had never met, i would not be president. if christine had not taken ill, she would be with you in barbados * even now. oh, walter, you've * always been like a father to me. * i would give the world to lessen your pain. you're a vision this evening, miss russell. for? come again? well, of course. excuse me, all -- i am overcome with the desire to dance with my chief of staff. * a hand to her -- russell, beaming, moves out onto the dance floor with him. what is this nonsense? i'm hoping there's an explanation. -- i sent a note? it is lovely, gloria -- and you know what else? christy sullivan wore it the night * she was killed. * you realize what this means? whitney's been heard from. you've been keeping things from me? well, now -- -- i need time to think -- come see me in my office in the morning -- this will certainly make for an interesting chapter in my memoirs. any idea who could have forged it? very gifted man. and are we close to stopping him? good to know that. good to know that too. there is one other thing you'll want to take care of. she's a young prosecutor, prosecutors ask questions -- she might know what he knows. let's get cracking, shall we? show you love your country.