christy sullivan? you serious, laura? could someone have let him in? thank you for your support. i hope not -- -- he's such a great man. careful digging that out. so he tried to strangle her, then went to the door and shot her from behind? he did what? why? a strong burglar with a weak mind -- obviously another open and shut case. mr. sullivan? -- i'm seth frank, senior homicide detective for middleton county -- i have to ask some questions, but it can be tomorrow. you'd been in barbados for two days? but mrs. sullivan didn't come. i have to ask about the vault. yessir, i do. i think someone sat in it -- and i think that someone may have been involved in the murder. you were my father's hero, mr. sullivan, i promise you this won't make my highlight reel. i understand, sir; i'll do what i can. see if any of this makes sense. i am christy sullivan and i walk in and surprise a burglar. gold star. i draw my gun -- that's nothing -- why do i bother to have her strip and then put her clothes back on? and i dress her because? she had a point-21 blood alcohol level. -- she was too drunk to drive. i've checked every cab and limo company in the area and not one of them knows anything. someone drove her home. goddamit, who? and why haven't they come forward? you saying the burglar drove her home? i hate this case. good service, thanks. oh yeah -- remember that bullet hole in the wall? had the lab dig out the slug -- guess what -- no slug -- why does the burglar take the time to do that? oh i like that a lot -- two different guns means two different burglars. two guys broke in? and they both went out the window? bullshit. and oh, by the way, why does he -- or they -- go out the window in the first place when he -- or they -- got in by breaking a zillion- dollar security system? -- what? here, you solve the goddam thing. did i mention that i hate this case? i really truly hate this case -- you cannot imagine how much i hate it -- -- hi, seth frank -- what did you have in mind? still trying to figure out what might have happened -- you secret service guys do that? you're that bill burton. luther whitney -- -- one of the great thieves of the world. been going nuts with this thing, up all night and i remembered your notion how it might be two burglars, and around dawn i thought, wait, what if it wasn't two burglars but what if it was one guy trying to throw us off by making it look like two? called a buddy at the bureau -- they keep track of this stuff internationally -- he says maybe only a half a dozen guys alive could have pulled off the sullivan job -- i'm tracing all six -- -- but whitney's the only one lives in washington. because he hasn't been arrested in thirty years. ancient history -- he wasn't a jewel thief back then. just a kid, just part of a gang, a three- time loser. but since he got out the last time, he's only worked alone -- -- and no one's touched him. he gets questioned whenever anything big comes up. but nothing sticks. whitney hasn't killed anyone in 45 years. korea. not just a veteran -- a wounded veteran. got his combat record here. battles, commendations, * decorations up the kazoo. * lives alone on his disability. * says he does anyway. * * and i don't do war heroes. * sorry? before i send you away for life, i should probably check out your alibi. you been following the case? -- f.b.i. feels only a few guys could have handled something as hard as the sullivan job. i've got a list here; you're on it. luther? why was this so hard? just looking for insight. how would you -- scratch that -- how would one go about it? what kind of person do you think i should be looking for? because? research for what? not just steal them? why go to all that trouble? -- clicker -- -- gizmo -- looked like a v.c.r. remote -- five million. why's that funny? i was trying to surprise you. would the burglar use a disguise? maybe like you. go on about the wigmakers. a) you don't have a pacemaker, and b) i'll be back tomorrow. for a tough prosecutor, you don't resemble your reputation, miss whitney. what would you do if i just turned around and left? you're exactly like your reputation, miss whitney -- i'm assuming your father's a big part of you -- -- you think it's all coincidence? he's a thief and you just happen to be the toughest prosecutor in the area? -- luther disappeared. i think you can help me. when? any idea where he might have gone? you saying he's left town, skipped the country, what? -- where? -- -- then where'd you hear this? and? -- lady, i may be an asshole cop but you don't know me well enough to call me one -- years. strange place for a thief to leave a key, don't you think? he sure took off in a hurry. what scares a professional thief like that? you can do a good thing, kate -- -- help me bring him in. just leave a message on his phone machine, you're worried about him. it's the truth -- you are worried about him -- this isn't your normal case -- his life may be in danger -- you can save him, make the call -- of course he'll come. you're all he has. kate, he's on the run and he's scared and he's right to be scared because he's going to get caught -- you don't know the heat on this. * where? figured he'd like an eyewitness report of the capture. this is our guy -- if he's innocent, he sure took off awful fast. fuck. this is not part of my brilliant master plan. i like that in a woman. top number's local police -- -- other two are my office and home. i live alone, too, call anytime. want me to get someone to spend the night? i've got surveillance outside. and i'm keeping it on 'til this is over. i've got a feeling he's going to try and contact you. listen, i'm sorry. anything unusual, call me right away -- not a bother, i live alone. feeble, huh? deal. pelligrino would be great. what's funny, i say it wrong? i don't think i've told you this, but i live alone. lock it behind me. real good. try and sleep. where are you? she couldn't be in better hands -- talk about catching a break, secret service called me. they're taking over surveillance -- just that she changed her mind. you know who did it, don't you? -- who'd tap a police officer? 85: )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 2. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 8. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 20. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 25. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 28. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 37. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 43. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 45. kids riding bicycles. very norman rockwell. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 51. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 52. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 54. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 57. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 59. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 59a. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 66. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 68. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 70. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 75. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 78. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 92. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 93. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 96. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 97. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 98. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 100. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 101. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 102. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 106. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 115. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 120. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 121. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 123. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 124. )b( absolute power - rev. 5. 16. 96 126.