hey, you guys are milking that job. kirkhill? that guy doesn't know his butt from a rathole. hey, perry! do me a favor and square away the mud hose and those cable slings. this place is starting to look like my apartment. i'm coming. keep your pantyhose on. brigman here. kirkhill? what's going on? i am calm. i'm a calm person. is there some reason why i shouldn't be calm? son of a bitch. all divers. drop what you're doing. everybody out of the pool. folks, i've just been told to shut down the hole and prepare to move the rig. we're being asked to cooperate in a matter of national security. now you know exactly as much as i do. so just get your gear off and get up to control. there's some kind of briefing in ten minutes. don't you guys have your own stuff for this type of thing? look, i don't know what kind of a deal you guys worked out with the company, but my people are not qualified for this. they're oil workers. you can send down whoever you like, but i'm the toolpusher on this rig, and when it comes to the safety of these people, there's me. then there's god. understand? if things get dicey, i'm pulling the plug. fred, huh? i don't know. hurricanes should be named after women. hi, lins. i thought you were in houston. wasn't up to me. your rig? yup, a benthic petroleum paid for it. so as long as they're hold the pink slip, i go where they tell me. i'm switching off now. bye. god, i hate that bitch. oh no. you gotta be kidding me. well, well. mrs. brigman. you never did like being called that, did you? who else? i can't believe you were dumb enough to come down. now you're stuck here for the storm. dumb, hot-rod. dumb. then why'd you come down? wow, you're right! us poor dumb ol' boys might've had to think for ourselves. coulda been a disaster. you wanna know what i think? i think you were worried about me. no, i think you were. come on, admit it. oh, yeah, right. and you only had three years with me. my bunk's the only one i can guarantee won't be occupied. you can grab a couple hours before we get there. i don't know. divorce ain't final. forgot to take it off. yeah, what's-his-name wouldn't like it. the suit. so what about "michael" then. mr. brooks brothers. mr. bmw. you still seeing him? what happened? i'll tell you what happened. you woke up one day and realized the guy never made you laugh. shit. okay. hippy's not going. mcwhirter, you can run little geek. look, it's three am. these guys are running on bad coffee and four hours sleep. you better start cutting them some slack. hey, you come on my rig, you don't talk to me, you start ordering my guys around. it won't work. you gotta know how to handle these people. we have a certain way of doing things here. shut up and get your gear on. okay so far. just get around so your lights are on the hatch. let's go, guys. take it slow, stay on the line, and stay in sight. watch for hatches that could close on you, or any loose equipment that could fall. how you guys doing? we're here now. let's get her done. okay, cat, lew, sonny. you guys stay on this deck. hook you line onto mine. any problem, you tug my line. two pulls. jammer, you're with me. missile compartment. those are the launch tubes. hey, you okay? deep and slow, big guy. deep and slow. just breathe easy. i'm taking you back out. okay, jammer. no problem. you stay right here. i have to go there to the end. you'll see my lights. we'll stay in voice contact. just hold onto the rope. five more minutes. okay? jammer? answer me, buddy, jammer?! hang on, big guy. hand on! he's convulsing! shit, it's stuck. goddamnit! yeah, yeah. yeah. it's turning. we gotta get him out of here. come on! hang on, buddy. cab one! cab one! meet me at flatbed! this is a diver emergency!! do you copy? lindsey?! whattya think? did you get anything on the cameras. video or anything? fine. be that way. but you think it's something else. what? one of ours? whose then? lindsey? talk to me. his mixture got screwed up. he panicked and pranged his regulator. what do you think he saw? what's the matter with you? hippy, just relax. you're making the women nervous. hippy, you think everything's a conspiracy. goddamnit! d'you tell him we need it right now? unbelievable. it's on every channel. coffey, we're a little pressed for time. this ain't no drill, slick. make me proud. topside, topside. pay out some slack, we're getting dragged! what? say again. rig for impact! seal all exterior hatches. move it! let's go! heeyy!! hhheeeyyy!! forget it, sonny. they're gone. did you find wilhite? what's the scoop, ace? need some help? what about o-2? the storm's gonna last longer than 12 hours. hey, lins. i'm glad your here. where're you? that's it then. finler, mcwhirter, dietz, and perry. jesus. yeah, for now. our first priority's to get something to breathe. there we were, side by side, on the same ship, for two months. i'm tool-pusher and we're testing this automated derrick of hers. so, we get back on the beach and. we're living together. we were due to go back out on the same ship. six months of tests. if you were married you got a state-room. otherwise it was bunks. it was alright for a while, you know. but then she got promoted to project engineer on this thing, couple years ago. well, you know lindsey, too damn aggressive-- son of a--!! she didn't leave me. she just left me behind. lins, how're you doing? lindsey? nice shot, lins. if you say so. it could be anything. lindsey, will you step into my office for a minute. jesus, lindsey-- look. i'm just trying to hold this situation together. i can't allow you to cause this kind of hysteria-- all i'm saying is when you're hanging on by your fingernails, you don't go waving you arms around. god, you are the most stubborn woman i ever knew. no. how can i go on a feeling? you think coffey's going to go on you 'feeling'? i can't, lindsey. i'm sorry. how can i? 'fish'? take the first watch in sonar. hippy, you handle the exterior surveillance. one night, see if you can get that transmitter working for me, okay? why bring it here? lindsey! wait a second-- emergency! maintenance room b. emergency! let her go. do it. right now. chill out, lindsey!! nothing. we were just leaving. weren't we? lins, stay away from that guy. i mean it. look, the guy's operating on his own, cut off from chain of command. he's exhibiting symptoms of pressure-induced psychosis. and he's got a nuclear weapon. so, as a personal favor to me. will you put your tongue in neutral for a while? i think it likes you. you done impressing yourself, ace? maybe their whole technology is based on that. controlling water. we have to stop him! schoenick!! thanks. how you feeling, big guy? uh, okay, right. you can tell us about it later. let's go. he's jammed the mechanism. okay, i'm gonna free-swim to hatch six. get inside, get the door open from the other side. then i guess you better wish me luck, huh? hafta. go on to. the moonpool. only way. okay, cat. you head back. get the door! gimme a hand! get the rest of my gear. grab that hat there. let's go guys! come on, come on! helmet. helmet! work fast. can we negotiate later? there's big geek. go after it! we gotta catch it! not good enough. we still gotta catch big geek. you totaled it, huh? it's flooding like a son of the bitch. try again. wonderful. there's some light from somewhere. good hundred yards, i'd say. yeah, but it's gonna take them a while to find us. we better get this flooding stopped. somewhere behind this panel. hold this. can't get to it. have to pull this panel off. you go any tools? nothing. son of a bitch. all i need's a goddamn crescent wrench. son of a bitch! okay. okay. we gotta get you out of here. i don't know how! i know! i know! but we better come up with something. seven, eight minute swim each way. not enough time. look at this. time i get back you'll be-- alright, put this on. don't argue, goddamnit, just-- lindsey, just put the thing on and shut up-- fuck logic!! what's the plan? what kind of plan is that!?? it is insane. jesus, i don't believe this is happening. oh god, lins. i-- nooooo!!! go to the infirmary. get the cart . oxygen. de-fib kit. adrenaline in a. ten cc syringe. and some. heating blankets. you got all that? meet me in the moonpool. move fast. turn her over! come on, hurry! gimme the de-fib. jesus. gimme those, come on. catfish, move it, man! come on. come on! is that it? is this right? all right. do it! do it again, one night. zap her again! aw. christ. come on, baby. again! do it again! come on, one night. what are you waiting for? no! no! she's not. her heart is strong, she wants to live. can't you see that? come on, lins. come on, baby! zap her again! do it. do it! come on, breath! goddamn it, you bitch, you never backed down from anything in life. now fight! fight, goddamnit! fight!! come on, lins. you can do it. fight your way back, baby. you did it, ace. hi, lady. 'course is worked. you're never wrong, are you? how d'you feel. well, you got that right. who then? okay. let's rock and roll. howdy, uuuh. how you guys doin'? you watch out tv? that what you're trying to say? that you know what's been going on up there? you're doing it! right? that's what you're telling me. yeah, you can control water. that's your technology. but why? hey, you don't know they're really gonna do it. where do you get off passing judgment on us, when you can't be sure? how do you know? why? you could've done it. why didn't you? hello, mrs. brigman.