that's cause we love freezin' our butts off out here sooo much, boss. just follow standard procedure, will ya. flog the dog till somebody tells us what's happening. hell, for triple time i'd crawl through razor blades and shower off with lime juice. howdy, y'all. hey, lindsey! i'll be damned! you shouldn't be down here sweet thing, ya'll might run ya stockings. okay, here we go. start equalizing, y'all. those guys ain't so tough. i fought plenty of guys tougher'n them. you see this? they used to call this the hammer. y'all'er done to a turn and ready to serve. everybody okay? hippy, you pussy. you're saying you get liquid in your lungs? this is no bullshit hands down the goddamnedest thing i ever saw. this here's the bottomless pit, baby. two and a half miles straight down. triple time sounds like a lotta money, bud. it ain't. i'm sorry. it's his mixture! too much oxygen! quiet! quiet! sssshhh! you watch yourself. missed what? y'all could be more specific. are we talkin' little space friend here? look, podner. we don't work for you, we don't take orders from you, and we don't much like you. in addition to which your momma dresses you funny. yuh? what's the problem? just checking is out, huh? how come? maybe i oughta shave. happy as hogs in a waller down there, prob'ly. wish us luck. 'case i don't die. okay, bud. let's go, podner, i ain't got all day. i can't. make it. podner. hey! shoot! safety's on! on the side. the lever! up, push it up! give me that!! here, here, here. no, you got to have bare skin, or it won't. bud, it's over, man. it's over. maybe it's. you know. them. seventeen thousand feet. good christ almighty, this is insane. how you doin', podner? still with us, come-back? talk to us, buddy boy. quiet, quiet! save you air, goddamnit. hell yes, we read! good of you to join us. how's that storm doin'? well, hell, son. you better get us a line down here, we're in moderately poor shape. i'd say that's a big 10-4, jack. out blood oughta be fizzin' like a warm, shook- up coke.