no light from the surface. how deep are they? i need them to go to over two thousand. at 09:22 local time this morning, an american nuclear submarine, the uss montana, with 156 men aboard, went down 22 miles from here. there has been no contact with the sub since then. the cause of the incident is not known. your company has authorized the navy's use of this facility for a rescue operation. the code name is operation salvor. no. we know where it is. but she's in 2000 feet of water and we can't reach her. we need divers to enter the sub and search for survivors, if any. by the time we get our rescue submersible here the storm front will be right on us. but you can get your rig in under the storm and be on- site in fifteen hours. that makes you our best option right now. a four-man seal team will transfer down to you to supervise the operation. i don't care who drives the damn thing. just get my team in the water. cinclantflt's gonna go apeshit. two russian attack subs, a tango and victor, have been tracked within fifty miles of here. and now we don't know what the hell they are. okay, i don't have any choice. i'm confirming you to go to phase two. is there any problem? they'll be back in two hours. where?