i can't believe you let them do this! i was, but i managed to bum a ride on the last flight out here. only here isn't where i left it, is it, bud? we were that close to proving a submersible drilling platform could work. we had over seven thousand feet of hole down for chrissake. i can't believe you let them grab my rig! my rig. i designed the damn thing. you wimp. i had a lot riding on this. they bought you. more like least rented you cheap-- virgil, you wiener! you never could stand up to fight. you-- let's go, gentlemen! we either launch now or we don't launch. take her up, byron! bates is sick. besides i've got more hours in this thing than he does. a little change of plan. just hold your water, okay? so kirkhill, we gonna do this or we gonna talk about it? roger. there's only one way it's going to happen. touchdown. the crowd goes wild. explorer. cab three. we are styling. deepcore, deepcore. this is cab three on final approach. none other. couldn't stay away. you running mixture for us? good. couldn't ask for better. get comfortable. the bad news is we got six hours in this can, blowing down. the worse news is it's gonna take us three weeks to decompress back to the surface later. don't call me that, okay. i hate that. alright, from now on we watch each other closely for signs of hpns. very good. about one person in twenty just can't handle it. they go buggo. they're no way to predict who's susceptible, so stay alert. oh. chamber runs. uh huh, that's good. well, hey. you guys know any songs? hey, was there a wall here before? i don't remember a wall here. oh, jammer! hi. those guys are about a much fun as a tax audit. hippy, you're going to give that rat a disease. not for long. not even when it meant something. is that one night up in flatbed? look, i didn't come down here to fight. you need me. nobody knows the systems on this rig better than i do. what is something was to go wrong after the explorer clears off? what would have you done? not particularly. jeez, look where this is set! morons. that must be it. i was worried about the rig. i've got over four years invested in this project. you've got to have priorities. what are you still wearing that for? i haven't worn mine in months. do you always have to call him that? the suit? it makes you sound like such a hick. his name is michael. no, i haven't seen him in a few weeks. bud, why are you doing this? it's not part of you life any more. you're right, bud. it was just that simple. aren't you clever? you should get your own show. ask dr. bud, advice to the lovelorn from three hundred fathoms. aaaarrrggh! shit. com-check, everybody. flatbed, you on line? cab three? what's you depth, cab three? going over the wall. coming to bearing 065. everybody stay tight and in sight. the magnetometer is pegged. side-scan is showing a big return, but i don't see anything yet. are you sure you got the depth right on this? uh, yeah, roger that. uh, found it. neutron counter's not showing very much. copy that, continuing forward. you just want me to get shots of everything, right? copy that. how many are there? that's 192 warheads. and how powerful are they? jesus christ. this is world war three in a can. copy you, bud. on my way. no. look, forget it. i don't want to talk about it. i don't know what i saw. okay? coffey wants to call it a russian submersible, fine. it's a russian submersible. no problem. no. jammer saw something in there, something that scared the hell out him-- but what did he see that made him panic? i don't know. i don't know! figured that out for yourself, did you? cute, virgil. bud, this is big time. we're heading right for the drop off! got it! it's dropping straight to us. oh shit. hey! get on this hose, you turkeys! no! hold it on me! i can get power to this module and sub-bay if i remote these busses. i've gotta get past the mains, which are a total melt-down. thanks. no, i can handle it. bud. there won't be enough to run the heaters. in a couple hours this place is going to be as cold as a meat locker. brace yourself. we've got about 12 hours worth if we close off the sections we're not using. i can extend that. there's some storage tanks outboard on the wrecked module. i'll have to go outside to tie onto them. yeah? well i'm not. cat, you tie onto this manifold. there's some tanks on the other side; i'm gonna go check them out. yeah, hippy, i read you. what's the matter? catfish. i got a problem here. you there? catfish? you better not say you missed that. come on, you guys. look, this is the little one right here. you can see how it's kind of zigging around. i'm telling you what is there. you're just not hearing. the impulses somehow aren't getting from you ears to your brainpan. there's something down there. something not. us. not us. not human. get it? something non- human, but intelligent. a non-terrestrial intelligence. hippy, do me a favor. stay off my side. bud, something really important is happening here. who's hysterical? nobody's hysterical! i saw something! i'm not going to go back there and say i didn't see it when i did. i'm sorry. i need you to believe me, bud. look at me. do i seem stressed out? any of the symptoms of pressure sickness, any tremors, slurred speech? bud, this is me, lindsey. okay? you know me better than anybody in the world. now watch my lips. i saw these things. i touched one of them. and it wasn't some clunky steel can like we would build. it glided. it was the most beautiful thing i've ever seen. it was a machine, but it seems almost alive. like a. dance of light. bud, you have to trust me. please. i don't think they mean us harm. i don't know how i know that, it's just a feeling. we all see what we want to see. coffey looks and he sees russians, he sees hate and fear. bud, you have to look with better eyes than that. gimme a break! coffey, these things live three and a half miles down on the bottom of an abyssal trench! trust me. they're not speaking russian. look, goddamnit, if you won't do something about it, i will. you've got some huevos bringing this. thing. into my rig! with everything that's been going on up in the world, you bring a nuclear weapon in here? does this strike anyone as particularly psychotic, or is it just me? you're right. i don't. i just need to know that this thing is out of here! you hear me, roger ramjet? bullshit, you can't do that. oww. goddamnit! you dumb jarhead motherf-- he's got the shakes? look, you can just punch into his little chip where you want him to go, and he goes, right? let's go for it. we could get lucky. no. just you and me. we get some proof, then tell them. hippy, look. if was can prove to coffey it's not russians, maybe he'll ease off the button a little. virgil, turn on your side. it's trying to communicate. seawater. show off. okay, raise your hand if you think that was a russian water-tentacle. lieutenant? no? well, a breakthrough. they must've learned how to control water. i mean at a molecular level. they can plasticize it, polymerize it. whatever. put it under intelligent control. they're curious, maybe. we could be the first people they've seen up close. i think they're from 'you know'. some place that has similar conditions. cold, intense pressure. no light. oh my god. oh no. please, you can't. coffey, think about what you're doing. for god's sake-- schoenick. your lieutenant is about to make a real bad career move. he's about to declare war on an alien species, schoenick, just when they're trying to make contact with us. i think i'm reaching him. see? now what? bud, that water's only a couple degrees above freezing. he couldn't be that dumb. the guy's a trained killer. bud's idea of a fight is arm-wrestling one night over laundry duty. buuuuud!! nooo!! forget that. go for big geek! get in! you owe me one, virgil. you did okay, back there. i was fairly impressed. not in this thing. yeah. so sue me. you noticed. deepcore, deepcore, this is cab one, over. deepcore, this is cab one. we need assistance, over. deepcore, this-- well, that's that. over there. it's the rig. they'll come out after us. you see where it's coming in? i don't know, look around. calm down, bud. how? we've only got one suit. aaargh!! i'm freezing! okay, look, you swim to the rig and come back with another suit. what, you growing gills all of a sudden? you got it on, keep it on. no way! forget it. not an option. no!! now be logical, bud, you're-- listen. will you listen to me for a second!? you're for the suit on and you're a better swimmer than me. right? so i got a plan. i drown, you tow me back to the rig-- look, this water is only a couple degrees above freezing. i drown. i go into deep hypothermia. my blood like icewater. i can maybe be revived after ten, fifteen minutes. you got all the stuff to do it on the rig. it's the only way, bud. now trust me. tell me later. this is maybe not such a great plan, is it? hold me. hold me, bud. i'm so scared. hey. big boys don't cry, remember? hi, tough guy. i guess it worked, huh? i've been better. next time it's your turn, okay? no, bud, no. not you. can you hear me okay? try your keypad. i already have, moron. we're right here with you, bud. your depth is 3800 feet. you're doing fine. bud, according to monk here, you just set a record for the deepest suit dive. bet you didn't think you'd be doing this when you got up this morning. 8500 feet, bud. everything okay? ensign monk want to know how you feel. big baby. don't forget bud, you're being graded on spelling as well as sentence structure, so concentrate, okay? bud, i. uh, there's some things i want to say. it's hard for me. i'm not of those softy, gooey- center-type people. it's not easy, you know, being a cast-iron bitch. it takes discipline and years of training. a lot of people don't appreciate that. but is wasn't all bad. i know that. you remember that bike trip. we rode the honda up through oregon? it took me a week to get my hair untangled, but i've never been happier. it was the most. free. i've ever felt. i'm sorry i can't tell you these things to your face. shut up, hippy. bud, how you doing? what kind of luminous things, bud? bud, it's the pressure. try to concentrate. concentrate on my voice. just listen to my voice. i'm not going away, bud. i'm right here, right here with you. this is lindsey, bud. i'm right here. i know how alone you feel. alone in all that cold blackness. but i'm there in the dark with you, bud you're not alone. you remember that time, you were pretty drunk, you probably don't remember. the power went out at the old apartment, the one on orange street. and we were staring at that one little candle, and i said something really dumb like that candle is me, like every one of us is out there alone in the dark in this life. and you lit another candle and put it beside mine and said "that's me". and we stared at the two candles, and then we. well, if you remember any of it, i'm sure you remember the next part. bud, there are two candles in the dark. i'm with you. i'll always be with you. bud? you hangin' in there? talk to me, bud. are you okay? what kind of light? would we see the flash? drop you weights and start back now! the gauge could be wrong. no! you can make it! you hear me? drop your weights. you. can breathe shallow. you. it could be wrong-- oh god, virgil, please. love you. no it's not. it says. "virgil brigman back on the air. have some new friends down here. i guess theyve been here awhile. "they want us to grow up a bit and put away childish things. of course its just a suggestion." we should be dead. we didn't decompress. oh, yes. i think you could say that. hello, brigman.