high-pressure nervous syndrome. muscle tremors, usually in the hands first. nausea, increased excitability, disorientation. fluid breathing system. we just got them. we use it if we need to go really deep. deep. it's classified. you know. anyway, you breathe liquid, so you can't be compressed. pressure doesn't get to you. oxygenated fluorocarbon emulsion. check this out. see? he's diggin' it. stand by on the rov. it's flooded. alright, i'm opening her up. getting a reading? alright. let's get in there. i'm a medic, which is mostly about patching holes. this type of thing. there's not much i can do. the coma could last hours or days. thanks. what's the timer set for? we can't get to minimum-safe-distance in three hours. the shockwave will kill us. it'll crush this rig like a semi driving over a beer can. i'm the least of your problems. i tool the liberty of removing this before i gave it back to him. the fluid prevents your larynx from making sound. it'll feel a little strange. relax now, bud. just keep breathing as it fills. don't fight it. take it in. just let yourself take it in. hold him. hold him. this is normal. it'll pass in a second. you're gonna be okay. we all breathe liquid for nine months, bud. your body will remember. 4800 feet. it's official. ask him a pressure effects. tremors, vision problems, euphoria. it's starting. it hits the nervous system first. he's losing it. talk to him. keep him with us. he can still make it. he's hallucinating badly. okay, bud, we'll go step by step. take the cover plate off the firing box. all right, bud, you have to cut the ground wire, not the lead wire. it's the blue wire with the white stripe, not. i repeat. not the black wire with the yellow stripe. through three miles of water? i don't know. bud, give me a reading off you liquid oxygen gauge. that's impossible.