here you go, hon'. dammit, we just got out here. save you money, darlin'. the pages are all stuck together by now. you want us to search for the sub? they're going to have to shoot her with a tranquilizer gun. oh, hi, lindsey. ten-four, lindsey, read you loud and clear. starting out descent. divers, how're you doing? how do you want me? hurry up! coffey's splitting with flatbed! he got me to show him the controls, then his guys suited up and they're rolling. i told him we had to get the umbilical unhooked piece of cake, baby. right through the brainpan. deader'n dogshit, boss. gimme a three-eighths socket on a long extension. so there you were-- doesn't mean you had to marry her. okay, good reason. then what? she went front-office on you. tighten that for me, right there. that's it. bud, let me tell you something. she ain't half as smart as she thinks she is. i was having my nails done. gimme a couple of hours. no way that could just be seawater. you think they're from down there originally? or from. you know. i'll unhook. go! you're better in these than i am. it's bud. oh my god. that's lindsey! keep talking, lindsey. just let him hear your voice. it doesn't matter what about. bottom's still a mile and a half down. signal's fading. run it through the digital processor, cook it as much as you can. little geek just folded. i wish i could have seen it-- hey. hey! hey!! look. it's bud. whew! whatever this is, it's major.