here you go, honey. now remember… this kind of fish doesn't like it in the freezer.
don't worry, i'll make sure she gets a proper burial. jennifer exits. adelle calls to her cat, and tosses it the goldfish. the cat catches it in mid-air.
rest in peace. ace enters the pet shop. it looks like he slept in his clothes.
well… here comes another dead fish.
uh oh.
well, i hope i'm not getting a reputation.
so… ahh, when can i expect you to pay your tab?
if you were a horse i'd shoot ya'. just take it.
wow, albino pigeons are very rare. how are you going to find him?
you're a good boy, ace. a good boy. he holds the door open for an elderly gentleman who is entering at the same time. the gentleman is walking a toy poodle on a leash. the poodle is dragging its butt along the entire length of the floor. ace and adelle just stare.