what the hell is he doing here? spare me the routine, ventura. i know you're working the snowflake case. may i suggest you yield to the experts on this one? we'll find the porpoise. who let dr. doolittle in? emilio steps in immediately. this is official police business. we'll let you know if the coroner finds any ticks. cops snicker. oh, so, you don't think this in an obvious suicide, mr. pet detective? well, that's a very entertaining story, but real detectives have to worry about that little thing lawyers call evidence. ace picks up a lottery ticket on podacter's desk and becomes a condescending kid show host. not a bad try for a pet detective, but not near conclusive enough for us real investigators. first, people buy lottery tickets everyday. it's a habit. it doesn't prove a thing. second, the dog wasn't suffering from canine trauma, he was suffering from bladder trauma. sergeant neilson found a piss stain as big as lake huron near the bed. and third, the blood on the railing. simple. he doesn't jump far enough and whacks his head. a fact confirmed by the paramedics who found cuts on his scalp, with traces of a white chalky substance. i.e. plaster from the balcony. einhorn shows ace the paramedics report. everyone is impressed with einhorn. so much for your murder, ventura. what's the point, ventura? there's been no communication with the kidnappers at this time. as of now, the game is going on as scheduled. secrecy was essential. we didn't want any public interference. i'm sorry. i can't comment any further. now if you'll excuse me. einhorn pushes her way through the crowd of reporters. emilio, get me the autopsy on podacter! aguado, send out a memo. no one talks to the press… …and somebody get me a cup of coffee! ventura, when i get out of this bathroom, you better be gone. oh yeah? alright, ventura. make it quick. so how does roger podacter fit in? so where is finkle, now? congratulations. you've done some fine detective work, ace. maybe i was wrong about you. maybe you are more than just a pet dick. she suddenly plants a major, tonsil cleaning, open mouthed kiss on ace. objects are knocked off the desk as they lean back. what's wrong, ace? want me to read you your rights? what is it? that bony little bitch, melissa robinson? i'll be here if you ever want a real woman. there's a sharp knock at the door. what is it? aguado opens the door. fine, sergeant. why don't you throw yourself out. ace, i want you to leave everything to us. when we find marino, we'll deliver snowflake. i just love super bowl sunday, don't you, dan? a magical afternoon where dreams are made… or crushed! do i look familiar to you, dan? does it seem as if we've met someplace before? oops. looks like we're going to have to kick, dan. einhorn steps behind a football set up on a tee. and in perfect sync with the kicker on tv, she boots a ball through a window of the warehouse. marino doesn't know what to think. i made some refreshments, dan. would you like some refreshments, dan? i'll be right back, daaaan!! she goes. dan struggles, but to no avail. penalty. too many men on the field. ace turns. einhorn's holding a gun on them from the other side of snowflake's tank. i warned you, ventura. good question. she pulls out a cellular phone and dials. sergeant aguado, it's lt. einhorn. get some men over to the old ironworks factory on victoria road. i've got the kidnapper trapped in the warehouse. it's ace ventura. he's killed marino and snowflake. einhorn smiles as she puts the phone away. vinnie! roc! get in here! ace gets a very guilty look. no, i'm gonna kill the dolphin first. i wouldn't want you to miss that. einhorn walks to the edge of the tank. she aims the gun at snowflake and fires! we see the bullet miss snowflake under water. snowflake swims wildly. she fires again! misses again. suddenly, ace hollers! shut up!! what would you know about pressure? the laces weren't out. the laces weren't out!! einhorn takes a shot at the screen, creating a hole in madden's forehead. ace uses the moment to smack the gun out of her hand. a huge, no-holds-barred fight ensues. ace and einhorn punch each other about the face and stomach. einhorn throws a punch at ace. ace goes down. einhorn goes for the loose gun. ace leaps and tackles her. they both crash into old rusty equipment, raising a mountain of dust. marino struggles all the while trying to get free. einhorn kicks ace. he flies into marino. shoot him! shoot him! we all hear the guns cocked. we see ace in the rifle sights. we see fingers twitch on triggers. a loud voice comes from off camera. he kidnapped snowflake. he killed roger podacter, and he was about to kill dan marino and me! he's lying! shoot him! ace walks over to her. shoot him. shoot him, now!!