it's not a good time, ace. if einhorn sees me talking to you i'm gonna be history. …i can't say anything. my hands are tied. ace, please?! aguado. look, ace. we're a little busy with murderers and drug dealers. a missing dolphin isn't exactly a high priority. the elevator is getting closer. ace, gimme a break will ya? ace nonchalantly sits back in a chair, pops a sunflower seed into his mouth and cracks it loudly. okay, okay. we checked all the local animal rights groups, taxidermists, and we're running a check through dmv on all recent van rentals. so far, nada. ace, it's the super bowl, of course there's bets being made. nothing weird. just the tire tracks and the exit route. the guard didn't see anything. that's it. i swear. now please go away! podacter, roger. routine suicide. he was alone. he'd been drinking. no sign of a struggle. neighbor heard him scream on the way down. just your classic fifteen story swan dive. melissa shudders. ace gives emilio a "way to go" look. sorry. no. that's nothing unusual. some do, some don't. he didn't. the elevator doors close. miss robinson, this is officer carlson. ah, lieutenant. he came with miss robinson – i just thought since melissa – echavez. what? i don't get it. what's it mean? intercut ace. emilio before who disappeared? hey, ace. i see where you're goin' with this and you're goin' alone. a crazy guy stands next to ace now and begins mimicking everything he says. ace, i like my job. i get health insurance and benefits. it's ace. let's go. don't worry, there's nothing ace can't handle! don't shoot! hold your fire! melissa is holding emilio's gun under his chin. ah… melissa? that's a hair trigger. she's not joking! the swat team leader signals his men. they lower their guns. einhorn gets back to her feet. melissa… you can give me back my gun now. melissa has forgotten she even had the gun. she hands it to emilio and faints in his arms. now aguado appears beside ace.