i particularly like the match-ups of the defense. ace sees a weird sight: a huge tv projection screen tuned to the super bowl pre-game show. marino is tied to a football tackling sled. the two thugs take turns running into dan with their shoulders, driving him back five feet each time. …but the real story of this game is the absence of dan marino. him being kidnapped and all has got to be a strain on this miami team. i really feel sorry for those guys! i mean, it's hard enough enduring the pressure of the super bowl, without your star quarterback gettin' himself kidnapped. this is the whole ball of wax, folks! you wanna' get kidnapped, you do it in the off season!… marino looks incredulously at the screen. next to him, snowflake "watches" from a ground level cistern serving as an ad hoc tank. ace sneaks closer. he got all of his leg into that one! the field goal kicker is hugged by his teammates. of course, there's never been a more crucial kick than the famous kick heard 'round the world… the famous footage airs on tv. they all turn to watch. …i mean, it's clear to me that it was a good hold. finkle just booted it.