bob, she didn't mean anything by it. riddle calms down a little, and sits. why did it have to happen now? i got three stinking years left till retirement. i'll tell you who did it. it was those goddamn animal rights nuts! always out there with their goddamn signs, animals were born free, stop torturing snowflake! that goddamn fish lives better than they do! they stop outside melissa's office by her secretary's desk. a what? well if it looks like i'm walking funny it's because i have a bunch on reporters up my ass. they've been asking me about snowflake all day. who's this? nice to meet you. martha metz recommended you very highly. what? oh, great. a hoard or reporters are headed their way. i'll try to head them off. ah… snowflake is just, ah, not available right now. gentlemen, please, coach shula's press conference is just about to begin. why don't i take you over there and let, ah, heinz, do his job. he ushers the press away.