good morning, ups! he tosses the box behind his back like a basketball, then acknowledges another passerby. ups, good to see you! he takes a couple of steps, then flings the package incredibly high into the air, spins completely around and expertly drops to one knee and catches the box. a hispanic man passes. buenos dias. uo pay essay. ups, sir. and how are you this afternoon? alrighty then! the man grumpily unchains the door. he's a big guy - 6'5", 250, and 50 of that is chest hair. a small shiatsu stands beside him. i have a package for you. the ups guy thrusts the package toward the man. we can clearly hear broken glass inside. the man takes the package. most likely sir! i bet it was something nice though! now. i haver an insurance form. if you'll just sign here, here, and here, and initial here, and print your name here, we'll get the rest of the forms out to you as soon as we can. the man begrudgingly begins to fill out the form. the dog wags his tail and whines. we can see that he likes the ups guy. that's a lovely dog you have. do you mind if i pet him, sir? oo ja boo ba da boo boo do booo! that's fine sir. i can fill out the rest. you just have yourself a good day. take care, now! 'bye 'bye, then! ups, s'cuse me. ups, comin' through.