hey! st. francis! how's it goin? do you? just watching the fishies, man. there is a blip on the computer screen. alright, you're just in time for the party. you see those blips? that's a norwegian whaling fleet. i'm sending them new directional coordinates… they'll find jimmy hoffa before they find any humpbacks. check this out. more computer graphics come up on the screen. just changed the formula for purina's puppy chow. too much filler, don't ya' think? are you? of course i can. why? c'mon, ace. i thought you might have a challenge for me… woodstock starts hacking away. wow! god one! let's see… marine winch sling, feeder fish, 20,000 gallon tank… he waits. we hear a beep. that's it. i found the culprit. …sea world. hang on, hang on… well, what do we have here? that's a lot of equipment for a civilian. the printer spits out some data. woodstock rips off the page and hands it to ace. billionaire and rare fish collector. that, my friend, is the face of the enemy. he pages through his file on screen. …always tryin' to get his hands on endangered species… newspaper articles fill the screen. one shows a picture of camp and some dolphin players. camp donated the land the new stadium's built on. oh, look at this, he's throwin' another, "i'm the richest man in the universe" party. st. francis, how's it goin'? isn't it? anything new on that dolphin? so, what can i do for you today? sorry, ace, i can't help you right now. i gotta watch this band! they are the shit! aren't they? this guy's last reported income was september, 1982. is he? well, i think we can be pretty sure he's involved in the kidnapping of the dolphin. there's two-thousand dollars worth of smelts on his visa card. after a beat ace realizes it was a bad joke. alright already. the last time this guy used his credit card was june, '84. he rented a car from avis. and… eww… he was a bad boy. they found it abandoned two months later in south miami. nope. hey man, according to this, your friend ray finkle doesn't exist. do you?