so what looks good today? orchids! i absolutely love orchids. so, i'll be right back with your pie. i absolutely love orchids. hey! some key lime pie for ya today? i'll pick you out an extra large piece. preferred customer. still reading about orchids, i hope. a friend of mine has a pretty little pink one, grows right on a tree branch. right! boy, you know your stuff, huh? well, i'm impressed. that's great. wow, that's a lot, huh? okay, then, so i'll be right back with a nice big slice of key lime pie for my orchid expert. oh, um, well -- so i'll be right back with your pie then. oh, i love mckee! oh, hi. haven't seen you in a while. so you studying screenwriting? good for you! me too. god, it's so hard to get in, huh? everyone and their brother is writing a screenplay. really? wow. really? that's so cool. that's true. god, that's so true. it's such an important message, y'know? oh god! i'm sorry. that's so horrible. i'm so sorry. you poor man. listen, do you mind if i sit for a sec? it's a stupid job, y'know. i'm alice. i like that name. charlie. i've always really liked that name. charlie.