any one at all, ma? cool! i can't wait to tell the guys. turtles are of the order testudine! yeah. and they're found on every continent! except antarptica! uh-huh. the turtle shell has remained unchanged for two hundred million years! and there's all different kinds, pelusio gabonensis, phyrnops rufipes, chitra indica, dermochelys coriacea coriacea. mom, there's something i feel i have to do. i don't know how to do this, but i feel in my stomach that i have to. collect one of every turtle in the world. it's a long list, ma. cuora galbinifrons, graptemys versa, callagur borneoensis, all the galapagos species, people think there's only one, but that's hardly the case. cycloderma frenatum, cuora pani. i don't think my life is worth living if i can't do this.