orlean, still dirty from the swamp, holds a phone to her ear and talks to us. she has cute little dirt smudges on her face. a morose kaufman sits on the bed reading the orchid thief. orlean, dirty from the swamp, is on the phone. orlean dials the phone. kaufman sleeps fitfully. kaufman reviews his notes. he is sweaty and wild-eyed. a drunken kaufman paces, tries to read story. mckee's ten commandments are taped to the wall. as is a photo of michelle pfeiffer ripped from a magazine. the front door opens and kaufman enters. the lights are off, but the room is aglow with light from donald's laptop computer. kaufman sees a silhouetted donald masturbating in front of the computer. donald looks up, caught. donald is focused on the computer. kaufman sits in a chair in the corner. both men are in pajamas.